Usb midi thru?

Hello everyone !
Hope you enjoy this period of the year !

I want to ask to you if I can send thru A4 usb the start from Octatrack. To lauch ableton live each time I press play on master Octatrack ?

I think this is transport ?
Can A4 usb send midi transports information who comes from OT ?

Thank you guys !


If the DIn Out of the OT goes to the Din In of A4 the only place the Transport/Clock will ‘repeat’ is at the Din Thru of the A4 - there is no link between the Din and USB

This topic will have been discussed before :thup:

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What a shame lol… It has a limitation here but I do not really care… It wil just be one more DIN to usb cable…
Thanks !

I know all subject have been discussed before but you know …

Now I just cannot param albeton to sync even if my DIN to usb is set to on in ableton …
Is the thru midi transport working on overbridge mode ?

I didn’t try midi usb with A4 but it can send and receive Clock and Transport so maybe it can send it via Usb…

Il m’étonne fortement que ça ne fonctionne point… Il peut se sync mais pas envoyer bon… Bizarre.

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The A4 can send/receive clock via USB. But not when using Overbridge as of the latest version.

What it cannot do is repeat that MIDI information to its physical MIDI DIN ports. As has been pointed out above, the two are not linked.

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Haven’t upgraded to latest OB, can you send receive clock through usb while using OB if the sync settings are turned to off? And how bout sending receiving clock from dins, does that work if using OB with sync off, and does it work with sync on?

Ok but, just for curiosity, does A4 still send a USB midi clock if send it a midi din clock with Ot?

Et bien Non !! C’est chié !
Bonne année néanmoins très cher !

Bananée, HNY !

Hi there,

I am syncing Ableton via USB to the Analog4.
Then I am sending Midi notes via USB back to Analog4, this works.

But now I want to forward the Midi notes from Analog4 to an external gear (Juno106), but this somehow does not work. I tried various Midi channels, nothing works. I’d like to use channel 12.

The Through Port Func is configured to send Midi.
The Input is set to Midi+USB.

Any idea about the correct setting, what do I miss here?

Best thanks already,


just to try the search first … this has been asked and discussed a lot :thup:

so you’ll see it’s not possible internally (above) or here

let’s keep it tidy :

Sorry, I tried to search but somehow wrong it seems.

Well anyways, that’s a big pitty imho, this feature would make it possible to scrap away the midi inferface from the table…


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