Update needed: Why all Elektron only have a global tempo?


Please Elektron, update your machines !
We need a tempo per pattern !

Every single hardware sequencer knows how to do that, why yours don’t ?
Too me, it’s a big mistake.

Global tempo is not the solution, we need to change BPM manually and it’s not convenient at all.

For example, working live with only the dark trinity… mode song on Analog 4, but I need to change the bpm manually between the tracks, this also means that I have to remember all my tracks’s bpm.

I think the Analog Rytm and the Analog 4 could have a tempo per pattern.

I know The Octatrack’s arrangement mode can do it, but this mode is not as user friendly as on the A4…


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Patterns should have tempos. BUT it should be globally switchable, so that you could use either the tempo of the pattern or a master tempo.


Yes, I totally agree :wink:

Just allow p-locking of tempo and we’re done, I guess.

been a glaring omission since the MD

i have to write the tempo in the kit names

Yes t, that could be an easy solution !

Tonight, in song mode, we don’t see the details from the patterns :confused:

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am i to disagree



I think the biggest reason currently is that it would hinder live-performance if you switched patterns and it jarringly went to another tempo.

Of course, one could argue that you’d probably have a separate project for live-jamming vs more traditional composition.

Seems like a good solution would be to have an option in the pattern menu to use global or pattern tempo.

Again, allow p-locking of tempo. Up to you to use it or not, just like any other parameter. :slight_smile:

tempo automation is a fairly standard feature for every DAW, and most hardware sequencers as well

Nah, Grooveboxes have been coping easily with that for years. Swap to a new pattern, tempo is maintained. Stop and start new pattern, it plays at its stored tempo.

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+1 for p-locking tempo! Or for option on track parameters page where pattern length can be adjusted. In current situation I have to stop playback, switch to another pattern, change tempo for it. This is especially needed for octatrack as it can’t do timestraching without artefacts in sound.

Yes, the p-loch is the easiest way !

Hope Elektron’s guys will read this thread…

+1! very good feature request!

:+1: it would be nice to have this feature. perhaps with an option to make the change straight away or by slowly changing the BPM, a bit like it would happen if done by hand

Yes :+1:

I think it is not so difficult to instantly change the tempo.
The question is how the effects will work while changing pattern to another one with different tempo. Especially delay.

I think it is not so difficult to instantly change the tempo.
The question is how the effects will work while changing pattern to another one with different tempo. Especially delay. [/quote]
with an instant change of tempo the effects will probably freak out slightly like: wtf?! i was on 130BPM and now it’s 80? need to recalculate everything in 1ms, oh s*** :sob: :joy:
on the other hand, when you change the tempo slowly, you get nice things happening with the effects

I would like bank tempo storage capability for my RYTM.