(Unsolved) Analog four sending Sync to DAW AND HARDWARE

I cannot param sync, transport & clock with ableton … Can someone help me ?

I have param to Usb in analog four “global menu”, do I need to choose some midi channel in A4 AND ableton to sync 'em ?

Sync is midi-time, start, stop, record etc. and this is supposed to be a “global” message to all devices connected. It is not bound to a midi channel.

Your second image shows that you have activated the USB MIDI in for A4. The OB manual says, that USB MIDI has to be “OFF”.

Switch to off and you should be ready to go :wink:


Like this ?
The Ext disapear…

Exactly … That’s what the OB manual recommends for Ableton (page D-7 in Appendix B)

Cannot find this… :’(

I fear I have got a very old issue … from 2015 … sorry for that. :worried:

But I guess that there should be an appendix called “Setup Example” in up-to-date issues too.

When I use my A4 with Ableton Live, in OVERBRIDGE mode the midi inputs/outputs on Live’s Preferences/Midi screen read “Elektron Overbridge 1” and in USB-MIDI ONLY mode (set in Global/System/USB Config on the A4) they read “Elektron Analog 4”.

I initially had a problem in that in overbridge mode the A4’s MIDI I/Os were not being recognised in Live. Switching between OVERBRIDGE mode and MIDI USB Only mode on the A4 whilst in Live cured my problem. Maybe you could try this.


I saw this few month ago I remember !
But no way today to connect the input of ableton with my A4 usb…

People please ! What do you read in ableton menu if in your config Analog4 is the master of Live ?