Does anyone have any good patches using 4 voice unison to re-create a good JP-8000 or Access Virus type super/hyper saw lead?
I’m trying to make something similar on the AK, and I’m getting some unique takes on it. I’m not an EDM guy (mostly weird electronic rock and hip hop), but I love those types of larger-than-life patches.
Don’t use unison, but route all channels in series and only output through the filter on channel four. Set all oscs to saw, make sure osc 1 and 2 of each track are at the same level, then detune all eight oscs with increasing amounts for each (four up, four down).
Use the performance macros to increase detuning with a single knob. Enjoy!
Damn. Forgot that routing the neighbour channel in takes up an osc (a shame, really), so this approach will only give you 5 oscs to play with. Might still be fun though.
Just played around a bit; a nice thing of controlling the detune across the 4 tracks instead of using the poly unison detune is that you can use the performance macros to control the amount of detune which results in some pretty interesting effects.
For this you have to set the poly config to use all voices, allocation to unison, turn “use track sound” on (important!), and then set unison detune to 0.
Yes, unison mode is handy because it allows you to trig all track voices from one track. Be sure to turn “use track sound” on and unison detune down though.
So I have been diving into Unison hard lately, thanks to swapping A4 for AK and having slightly more direct access to the poly config.
I got those 4 track outputs all going out stereo into my Qu Pac, plus the mains as stereo FX returns.
Having one unison patch with unison pan spread up, all spread out across those 10 analog outputs, there is so much headroom and the sound is massive!