Unfiltered Audio - Battalion (soft drum synth)

Ok thanks, I’ll do this

Crikey, that sounds good. Like a crazy modern spectral Machinedrum…


I was able to crash it just now by dragging the steps knob on the perform page

Since going all hardware for my music creation a couple of years a go this is the first SW product I’ve seen that has made me go hmmmmm


OK, had a good play with the demo. Its very good indeed…a bit Tremor/Drumcomputer but with way more going on…lots of drum engines, variation control is very clever, good fx, good sequencer (if a little weird with the very small places to program the actual patterns!). Great modulation options and performance page seems very comprehensive as well…

Drum machines seem to have gone up a level lately with this and Triaz and I definitely will get it once the price drops a bit.

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This is really cool so far @trickyflemming, congrats. I’m impressed, feels like you’ve brought Elektron DNA to a plugin. A few feature requests that I think would make me buy this if they could be added, as I feel like randomization is a core part of what makes this cool and unique to me:

  • It would be nice to have the randomization amount slider always visible, rather than hidden in settings. I feel like I want to change this quite often and the extra click is off-putting, maybe it could go along the bottom next to the page buttons for example? Honestly this would be the most useful change for me!
  • I’d love to be able to have more options to randomize the sequence, for example:
    • Randomize the steps on/off state (I can’t see a way to do this, maybe I’m missing it)
    • Randomize every lane, but just for the current sound
    • Randomize every lane, for every sound (maybe on the All page?)
    • Randomize euclidian pattern parameters
    • Randomize probability, but only resulting in negative values, for when I don’t want ratchet at all in my pattern
  • The “randomize all” button so frequently results in just random noise. It would be nice to be able to tame it. Does it follow the randomization amount? Even at small amounts, a nice pattern quickly descends into noisy chaos. Maybe a few randomize all modes would be cool, like “only sequence”, “only engines”, etc… I really love randomness when it works well haha

A few other things that came to mind as I played (this list is getting long, but that’s a sign that the plugin is really close to perfect haha):

  • Reverb/Delay controls on the performance page would be great (love this page btw, very Elektron feeling!)
  • It would be super cool to have multiple different engines for each type of drum (Kick etc), in the style of the Rytm/Syntakt. Obviously that’s a lot of work so I totally understand if that’s not realistic but it would be amazing :grin:
  • Preset saving seems weird? It tries to save a file on the file system, which then doesn’t show up in user presets. Maybe the place it’s saving is wrong?
  • There aren’t many factory drum presets. More starting points would be nice.
  • Being able to sidechain tracks would be cool :thinking:

Where do you find the demo? I might be blind, but…

You can install the Plugin Alliance Installation Manager tool and get it from there, it’s a 14 day trial

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So good this one! Wow!

This Global Mod Depth (+commit) and Flip toggle on the Performance page goddamn!


is the sequencer kind of like tympo by teletone audio?

yes to everything you say for the rest of your life!!

I’m not familiar with that…it’s lanes based for everything, polyrhythmic, ratchets, probably, modulation etc…it pretty much has everything.

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Yeah this (and the whole performance page) are dope :ok_hand: Ctrl-All vibes

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That’s where you come in :wink:

I’ll do my part :grin:, but I meant engines-wise, not many examples out yet I guess as it’s new. When it comes to drum synths I look for a certain richness and warmth as opposed to brittle for lack of better words


I’ve played with this a bit more over the last few hours.

This is the microtonic replacement I’ve been waiting on for years.

(The previous statement was a work of opinion. Any offense to your favorite drum synth vst was purely coincidental and not the intended purpose.)


oo, almost purchased and then had 3 crashes in a row. which never happen to me.
always on perform page tweaking global mod or step amount of the seq (after randomised chaos gen)

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I will definitely wait until stable before purchase as PA (maybe Unfiltered Audio) have been slow on updating in my experience. Also Lion and BYOME etc never got a lot of support after release either so this may not have much ‘ongoing’ development…as always, buy it for what it does now!