Underwhelmed by the Octatrack Mk2, looking for advice!

36 hours into the MKII and it’s incredible. This is my first OT and it’s pairing with my Rytm very nicely.


Have you slept? :slight_smile:


I slept 4 hours last night hahaha


Just spent the whole evening tweaking the OT mk2 to get a better sound, solely oriented in paying attention on sound quality as opposed to everyday jamming with the machine.
At some point I figured I had to put all the tracks volume down to get a more punchy sound !!
Once again, I felt like a standard all-to-11 guitarist facing this good old truth : if you want to hear something clearer, don’t push the volume/EQ/whatever parameter higher, try first to see what you can bring down.


That made me smile and chuckle…and boy do i need that today. Cheers.


Oh, and i didn’t like my Octatrack yesterday. So went off and played Debussy piano pieces! Walk away when your brain and soul is not engaging with it and come back after alternative music making methods


Thanks for that…
I’ve found that sometimes music creation just flows for me and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I want it to be the right time and I try to make stuff happen and don’t get much done, other times when it really is flowing I get a lot done quickly without thinking about it too much.

I’m starting to try to notice in myself when the creativity is actually flowing, or when it’s just my brain that really wants it too.
Sometimes I want to work on the OT but it doesn’t feel right and playing guitar or keyboard is more of an outlet at that point, but often I’ll keep wanting to focus on the OT/Rytm and not get much done instead of doing something else or recognizing my creativity would be better used on another instrument at that time…

I’m learning that it’s not always the right time for me to work on music just because I have some time to spare, and even when it is sometimes there’s a certain part of my rig that would be better to work on than others at that point in time, for whatever mysterious reasons are behind creativity…


I’m on strike. I’m waiting all feature requests to be achieved. :smile:
My OT and I needed a rest. I’m still testing Elektron gear with Analog Drive though !
Feeding a Mooer Ge 200, that will feed OT soon I think. :wink:


Yes always Substract rather too Boost/Add it’s a general rule not only for EQ… that’s why i always pay attention to get in the Chain sufficient Gain to cover all leveling scenario to keep sound quality and just boost my personal gain for comfort and feeling the energy myself better. That’s why i don’t use the OT as an Audio Hub and Prefer to go Mixer > AH > Pre-amp and Then Headphones, Monitors or PA

You can keep headroom and protect your clean tone that way.
I realize i do the same on the A4 i can have my Bass because Filtered so Level can be around 90-127 opposed to lead, keys, stab where there’s more mid-hi i will usually be around 50-90 and never exceed 90


You two should go on a nice weekend getaway… :blush:
Take your OT to a spa, get massages for both of you.
If you push too much and don’t take it easy,
you might break up or have to see a relationship counselor… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You’re too anthropomorphic. I’m just checking if my new gear can be a decent boyfriend for my OT.

SPA is a place for lost animals in France. :smile:


After 25 years I’m still finding the right and wrong time for certain pieces of kit, OR avoiding it all completely.

Spare time doesn’t always mean this is good music time, much as I’d/we would love it to and that’s a crying shame but it’s a fact and very hard to accept. Inspiration is a very weird thing and the little bugger seems to pop in and out as he/she likes with no regard for my mental well being or actual priorities.

This is exactly why the OT pleases me, I can spend a quick 5 minutes when inspiration hits and be happy or I can spend 5 hours if I’ve got them.


Yeh, i’m sad about the sound also. It does make a world of difference to port them in, to the card, Instead of actually sampling them. Corny . Maybe it’s an intimacy thing? The shits really need to be dressed before recording. Touch up the gain staging and flavor before capture. And the fx have a very narrow set spot, for just a whisper of flavor applied to pristine samples.

Ah yes, the old analog sampler.

AKA yelling into a canyon.

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I guess the mellotron counts.

What I’d like to see is real-time, analog, granular time-stretch. It was developed in I think the late 70s (maybe a few years later) but I forget whether it was ever really implemented successfully or even who did it (Xenakis was probably involved). We learned the basics of how it worked in a history class in college but all I remember is that it was based on a rotating drum with multiple playback heads that spun in the same direction that the tape travelled. Every time a head passed across the tape it was essentially creating a grain, and the speed that the drum was spinning would change the envelope and duration of each grain. The relationship between the drum speed and the tape speed would control how much each grain overlapped, I think the slower the tape moved relative to the drum, the more time stretching happened. It’s a really amazing idea but it would be pretty hard (and expensive) to actually make one. Although now probably less than ever with affordable access to CNC. Still way out of my range and definitely not something that could ever become a commercial product, but it could be done.