UK Midlands Meetup

I worked at the University for a bit and the look on the faces of all the Freshers every year when they realised they’d moved to absolutely nowhere was priceless. Of course, they get to piss off back to civilization after three years, but I’m stuck here forever.


Cool… I have a Facebook page if anyone’s on it?

(2) Supersonik Elektronik - Leamington | Facebook

Join up.

Oh nice! Come down to Escher, Elevator Sound’s monthly producer meet-up at Strange Brew, you can hear your tunes on a proper system and have beers with a variety of local producers. It’s not quite a ‘nauts meet-up, but I’m usually there :slightly_smiling_face:


Didn’t know about this-I’m Bristol based as well, seems there are a fair few ‘naughts from these parts??


Not sure, I don’t know any other ‘nauts IRL, although I think @craig is in Bath so not too far away

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Woah woah woah, hold on. This sounds awesome! I’m gonna find Strange Brew and Escher on FB right now. :smiley: Will be great to meet you!

We’re picking up the keys on the March 21st and moving in properly on April 4th. :smiley:

Edit: turns out I was already following Strange Brew! Gonna find Escher now.

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I could do a Brizzle meet-up sometime. We could meet at Elevator and go from there for beers and whatnot. Though we should probs create our own West Country thread for it :slight_smile:


Yeah, clear off you cider loving, statue hating bunch of hippies.


There’s 3 of us in Nottingham :-))

And me, I’m Nottingham too.

Anyone going to the EMOM night at the chameleon in April?

Was thinking about it.

I’ve been malingering around the Leicester EMOM for a bit, no harm in giving Nottingham a slice too.

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Didn’t know about it…like the idea. Can’t for the life of me imagine how to cable-up and do something in 15 minutes but would be interested just to rock up and enjoy.

Yh there’s plenty of people who go just to listen (like me) definitely worth going to, lots of good music.

Also in Nottingham…EMOM?? Will look it up

EMOM-“Every Minute On the Minute workouts and why they work.”

Not what I was expecting, but why not?

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Found it just before you posted and thanks @Fin25 . The Chameleon is just down the road from me. I’ll head down

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If any Midlands people want to connect on Facebook I’m Stefan Rennick-Egglestone - please do add me as a friend.




Ha ha grew up there, and Shepshed