Hey guys! Pretty much fully understand this beast now… but i can’t seem to figure out the ‘Slide’ and ‘Accent’ functions!
I can get on to the ‘Slide’ page for example… but nothing happens on the trigs and i can’t find how to assign to slide or accent to parameters? I’ve read the manual and maybe I’m just not quite understanding…
Can someone explain the use of these in simple terms for me? I would imagine you could do some cool legato synth lines with the slide?
The accent took me a bit of working out… basically whatever the velocity of trig is present on that step will be forced to the accent value.
So if you have a bass drum track consisting of trigs all with a velocity of 60, then set the track accent to 127, then on each bass drum accent that coincides with a bass drum trig the velocity will be forced to 127.
I’ve wondered if there is also a global accent track?
I think the slides don’t work yet. If you hold a trig on the a4 and press slide, you hear the effect on that trig. I tried sliding basslines with the basstom but nothing happened
Yes the slide does work on my version D operating system but I think sometimes you can’t hear the effect. Maybe because it is too fast or too quiet or is too subtle and being drowned out by something else (I am new to this so I can’t say exactly).
Try starting a completely new project. Put two trigs in the sequencer a few spaces apart then add the slide to the first one, then alter the note parameter of the second one. You should be able to hear it slide from the first note to the second.
[li]If you still can’t hear it, try increasing the Hold and/or Decay parameters of the first trig to make it last until the second trig as the sound may be decaying too fast for the effect to be audible.[/li]
[li]Slide is a gradient, so if the second trig is very soon after the first trig and there is a big difference in the parameters then the effect will be far more pronounced, as opposed to if the trigs are far apart in time and the parameters are very similar, in which case the effect may be difficult to discern (because the gradient is shallower).[/li]
OK, playing around with the slide, it does seem that you have to adjust the parameters whilst the pattern is playing. It does not seem to work if you adjust the parameters when the pattern is stopped.
Maybe you are making a different point, but the slides work as expected whether implemented during play or before play is started (assuming you appreciate the difference between realtime and step programming of plocks)
This is a old thread but it helped me out when I discovered that slide works with the synth page tun parameter not with the trig setup page note parameter. For awhile I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong until I came across this. I hope it helps other newcomers that come along like myself. Plus using Wills Analog Rytm Tuning Table I can have the steps play in key with each other.