Trigless locks affecting live play

Wait, the Digitone Keys can apply trigless trigs to affect the notes played on the keyboard in real-time? That would make me immediately exchange my Analog Keys for a Digitone Keys

Yes. I made a pattern for that.
Drums sounds are plocked settings. I played on track 1, and other tracks are layered with different settings, arp.

Only trigless trigs, no sound if I don’t press keys.


Midi processor trickery : short notes with long release. This way triless locks are effective. No arp.

Another midi processing trickery : intead of sending midi notes, I send TRIG page NOTE and VEL values. All plocks are audible. Not sure if it is possible to control NOTE values with CCs on A4/AK

Let me know if you understood one thing. :rofl:


My wallet hates you, I think you just sold me a DN Keys. Thanks for confirming!

Regarding your other examples: you are playing very short notes on the A4 with long release right? So the trigs actually work after “NOTE OFF” messages, did I get it right?

Yes. I programmed my midi processor to send a Note Off just after receiving Note On, and set Release to max.
I mapped Release to min after real Note Off reception.

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