Triggering slices with midi notes?

Has anyone tried this one:

It’s initially made for the Volca Sample which had similar ‘problems’. But as far as I got it, you can upload your own ‘translation’ into the cable.
It’s just $40 so might be a cheaper solution.

It seems very dedicated to Volca.
Hard to compare Volca and OT. What are the similar problems ?
You can do Slices with Volca ?

Event Processor Plus can process 32 events. When you start to use midi processors, you need more and more ! Quite easy to edit with the software. Some limitations.
Cheaper can be Arduino, but you have to wake up early for year to program it !

The problem on the Volca Sample was that each sample was on a separate Midi channel (if I remember it right). So you couldn’t just use your Midi controller and play each one directly (without changing your channel). Which is kind of similar in the way that your Midi stream needs to be modified for the machine to do the right thing.
And no Volca sample can’t slice.
Checked Retrokits Facebook ( ), they got a bunch of other ‘translator’-firmwares there. They also replied that they might be able to look into this.

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Ok so you are talking about another problem, solved with Midipal too : emulating polyphony with a midi dispatcher.
Infos on Facebook : no thanks…

Just chiming in: We make the RK-002 - just got word from this Octatrack slice-thing, sounds like a perfect job for the RK-002. We’ll look into this. We also did something similar for the Kaossilator note-to-CC conversion ( ).

But - firstly I’d better plough through this +/- three years of your frustrations to solve in this thread :wink: - see if we can come up with a nice solution for this. The RK-002 can optionally also map other controllers like the velocity and modulation and such, maybe there are other slice parameters which can be influenced with a single keypress.



Hi. Already solved for me with Event Processor Plus, MEP4 Yamaha, MPC 1000 JJOS2XL.
I didn’t try with Midipal but it should work.

The main need is to send a CC17 and a CC48 before a note.
There are several improvements possible and choices to make :
The note can be either C2 to G2 for track sample notes (whatever the midi channel) or C6, wich can be used with Auto Channel, or a specific channel.

C2 to G2 : Pitch control, C5 - C7 notes mapped to pitch without triggering samples (my preference).
C5 - C7 : Direct note pitch Control but with triggering samples.

Pitch bend mapped to CC 16 pitch.

How many events can you have in RK002 ?
Sorry but on your site I can’t see the possibilities of your product out of Volca environment…
Any software to program it offline ?

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Thanks for the summary sezare56, It sounds a lot like what the Kaossilator needs as well. As I understand on the Octratrack the sample slice can go up to 64 notes - you’d need a large keyboard to trigger all of them, I could also imagine it would be fun to just jog through the samples with e.g. the controller wheel or such and just use 12 keys to trigger the slices. We’ll dive into the Octatrack’s possibilities and see what would be a nice setup to get creative on the slices…

Having said that… a friend of mine showed me the Octatracks ‘quick start manual’ and euhrm… it will take me a while to sort it out :wink:


For sure !
You kneed an Octatrack to check if it works, and to understand how it works otherwise you will maybe loose you’re time and go crazy. Manual is not enough I think.

CC17 is the Cc for Start point position in the sample, or the Slice No, in Slice mode.
Ot reacts slowly to that Cc so there are mistakes.
But it works with the Cc48 wich controls the crossfader, set with Slice No values, depending on the number of Slices.

Cc17 can be sent to record Slices variations. But if you want to hear them, you have too “turn off” crossfader Slice settings…

Good luck !

I’m trying to resurrect this old thread.
I had this working fine…
But as has been mentioned this uses the CC17, and so you have to have a 50ms delay (as mentioned on thread post)

…Am I right in thinking I can dispense with this using cc48 ?
Can anyone testify to ‘immediate’ slice triggering from an external midi note through a “midi processor” (insert your favoured device here) > Octatrack ?

If so, what’s the methodology please ?


No latency with CC48, with my Ep+.
I wrote almost everything about my personnal procedure above.
More details on demand. :wink:

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thanks :slight_smile:
So the outgoing message as per the previous thread is :

// oo is what OT Audio Track number your slices are
// rr is Octatrack MIDI Auto Channel
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

The results of this then being fed into the sysex message :
rr pp 7F

I am having trouble reconciling that with the cc48 (or indeed cc17) instruction.
Is it a conversion of the value into hexadecimal or something ?

Sure ?
Me = 143 beautiful girls + Me
Magical. :smile:
7F is hexadecimal for sure, equals 127.
Other things are weird to me.
Were are Cc numbers?
Incoming messages?
Outgoing messages?

you greedy bastard 143 to yourself !
the bit i missed out was this :

// Assuming all pads are sequential note numbers, set qq to be the lowest MIDI note number of the pads
// Set rr = Octatrack Auto Channel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

resulting in midi message :
rr 42 pp

rr 42 pp

OK rr is midi channel and pp is slice number value. This one is x2 because there are 64 slices for 128 values.
Not sure about 42
Slice CC : 11 (hex) or 17
Xfader CC : 30 (hex) or 48

just noticed this , so sorry for delayed reply. impressive detective work . thanks :slight_smile:

If you could share this with me that would be much appreciated !
Especially ‘controlling comb fillter pitch with midi notes’

You want me to share Ep+ with you ?
I won’t go to London ! :smile:

You want to do it with Bome ?
Basically I just mapped midi notes to the FX CC controlling pitch.

Ah I see… Thanks :grinning:

Still trying to get this working.

Have cc17 working. Can control all 8 tracks… Any slice on any track etc.
But that’s a 50ms delay

Have cc48 working. Set scene 1 at slice 1 and scene 2 at slice 64 and trigger any slice on the selected track via midi with 0 latency.

But as soon as I try cc48 and cc17 it starts mis behaving and triggering wrong slices. At 30 ms delay on the note it kind of works… Rarely mis triggering , but certainly not sample tight.
Can anyone help ?
Exactly what delay are u applying to the note to get this to work ?