Trig not playing

Hi, can someone please explain why a trig would stop playing? I can’t seem to copy and paste on it either. I have checked the mutes and out and it’s not that.
Thanks in advance

Can you elaborate on the scenario?

Sure, I have a pattern that I was was playing and I may have cleared the trig by accident. The trig had a recorded sample on it and now it does not. I then tried to clear what sample was on that trig [6] in this case and can not copy + paste a different trig to it.
Hope that makes sense
Thanks :pray:

When you say Trig do you mean Track? A Trig in the Elektron definition is a step in a sequence. When you press record you enter step record mode, each step you light up is a Trig. The track are the 1-8 slots that can load samples and sounds.

I’m guessing you mean a Track?

If you clear the sample then no sound will play. Have you tried selecting a new or the original sample from the sample pool? Knob D while on the SRC page will bring up the current available samples. Press in the knob to select a new sample (or let it time out).

Do you see the original one in the list anywhere? If you select a new sample can you hear it?

Yes, sorry for the confusion. I meant track. I have tried to load different samples from the sample pool but still no luck😩
I thought it might be because the length of the sample was set too short but that’s not it either
Got me stumped :thinking:

Does it happen on a new pattern or project?

If you haven’t tried it yet, mute both scenes by pressing [FUNC] + [SCENE A] and [FUNC] + [SCENE B] to see if that resolves the problem.

Another thought: maybe you have changed the track settings to “plays free”? Check it in the pattern menu ([FUNC] + [PTN]).

Double check your mute. You have global mute (green) FUNC+BANK and if you do it again FUNC+BANK you go in pattern mute (purple). Sometime a track is muted in pattern mute so the global mute have no effect.

Thanks for all the ride people! I happened to turn on the DT to trouble shoot and low and behold the track is worked now?!
I’m guessing a bug?
Either way I’m glad it’s working
Thanks again

Ahh so you must have inadvertently enabled the gremlins option. Turning off and on usually resets this :stuck_out_tongue:
Glad to hear the issue is resolved!

This happens to me from time to time. Definitely Gremlins!
It seems pretty random. I can’t work out how to reproduce it, a single track within a pattern will just stop making any sound.
I’ve found that to fix it, simply press the trigger for that track and it should start playing again.

For example, if the your kicks stop playing on track 1, come out of mute or record mode and press button 1, your kick should sound and the track should start as normal.
It happens very infrequently with mine.

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