Tricks to recreate Octatrack features in Ableton

In case if you missed it :


Sure, Im just talking about connecting devices in Ableton chains tho. You can go any way, but always modulate left to right. Otherwise by the time your device has reacted to the control signal, the audios already gone.

Simple example, if using an LFO module, put it to left of the device its modulating.

Apologies I’m probably not explaining it well, its morning here and I aint had my cuppa yet :sleeping:

Thanks, yeah I saw it upthread then it got merged, too.

Now the thread links to the thread and its like a crazy forum feedback loop you can never escape :crazy_face:


Ah, ok so you mean the signal chain of an Ableton track? I thought you meant the order of events in a Max patch

Im not well informed on Max patching yet! Its on my list to learn tho.

Have you seen Modulat, from Isotoniks shop?

Any thoughts on that? I’m interested in it as a quick-fix to do some more advanced Abelton CV patching before I get into Max.

Do you know anything about the way Max works underneath? Like is it more or less efficient than C/C++ etc for audio and midi?

If i were to hazard a guess id say that technically speaking C would be more efficient as it is the pure language without the graphical elements (and all the extra computational requirements that come with that) but in truth i have no idea. Max is super efficient now tho, particularly running on M1 or M2, i can push it really far and everything is consistently tight, and if you go down the gen~ path things can be even tighter. Historically i found that M4L patches could sometimes get a bit heavy but that was usually down to bad programmiing on my part, and certainly with M1/2 i havent experienced any issues whatsoever. Definitely worth investigating, if you have the time

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I don’t know if this is helpful but I remembered a post where there was some discussion about the pathos of octatrack

and included a link to a very detailed structure diagram that might further help you map out what you’re after? I’d repost it but it was too large for the forum limit so it’s on someone’s file sharing which I believe the link is still active since I downloaded it not too long ago.