Tricks for structuring tracks without “kits”?

i’d rather have it like it is now, the ability to quick copy and paste what i mangled into a new pattern, be able to FUNC reload to get back to safety, instead of worry about making improvisational changes to a global kit and jacking up all the other patterns inadvertently

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That is the most frustrating thing for me working with the OT since I was always forgetting that if I change something in pattern 16 pattern 1 is also getting that change.

I really appreciate that Elektron tries both ways. And hopefully next gen Elektron boxes could a mix of both (something like a sync or link to patten option per track and or pattern).

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I agree that it would be easier if every Elektron has the same way with handling patterns, sounds and kits. It would make it easier to grab a different Elektron. But it is what it is. The Parts on the OT is another story haha.