Transfer sound pack to Syntakt

I am trying to transfer two sound packs to Syntakt but the Banks A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H are full (but the Banks F and G have the same sounds… maybe I put it twice?..). How can I do to put the new sounds on Syntakt? Any Help please? Thank you

First remove all sound from the bank which is in double so make some space.
Then to transfer a bank please use the syntakt to say on which bank you wish to receive the sound pack. It is choosable in the preference midi menu from my memory.


Hello, thank you for your answer. I already deleted the Bank “F” "that have sounds equal to the Bank “G”). But now I don’t now were is the “Preference midi menu from my memory” on the Syntakt :frowning: I am sorry)… Its were?.. can you tell me the steps?.. with knobs?.. Many Thanks <3

Wheel button
Sysex dump
Sysex receive
Choose the bank

Then the syntakt will wait for receiving the sound pack.

It is well described in the free sound pack on the Elektron web site. If you miss something.


Thank you very much for your advice and patience :slight_smile: Kind Regards <3