Transfer Sanity Check

Hey there,
I‘m sitting in front of Transfer and try to rearrange my file structure. It is not possible for me to move one or multiple samples to another folder. Is this normal? I don‘t remember if this is how it should behave. I would guess that I would have been bothered by that early on. Am I doing something wrong?

I don’t think this is possible via transfer but you can do this on the DT itself. Just highlight the samples and click left I believe and it should give you that option.

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Thanks for the confirmation. It‘s indeed a feature on the Digitakt, but there are too many files to consolidate in folders. I hoped this is just a user error.

Can you not transfer them off the DT via Transfer in a batch, and then transfer them back on into the folders that you want?

no, not on Digitakt 2 :rotating_light:

That would work. Thanks for pointing that out.