Transfer app will not connect

Hi all, I’ve tried it all. USB mode set to usb, then usb+midi. Latest OS 1.61B or whatever. 1.4 Transfer app. Tried both a Macbook pro and a Win 10 laptop. 2 different Elektron USB cables. Restarts. Anything else you can think of? Once in a while, the RYTM shows up and then I connect and it goes back to blank, meaning it did not connect, and the RYTM is not selectable.

As you can see the mac is detecting the rytm

I had the same problem when I didn’t have the latest fw and the latest version of Transfer.

I have the latest both transfer and RYTM OS

Try directly connecting to computer, not through USB hub.

I don’t use a hub

I have the same issues with rytm/ transfer. Is it working with C6 on your end?

I tried for a few minutes but didn’t mess with C6 that much it didn’t seem to work or connect

Interesting … maybe close the Oberbridge engine or make sure the latest version of that is installed?

I don’t use overbridge.

Did you ever got this to work? I’m having the same issue…