TrabanT's first 15 min on the HEAT

had the OT twice ( I hate samples but thats another topic)…

I liked the eq and the filters … boom, more bass YAY …

the heat seems in my humble opionen

to be built as the usual elektron concept : with headroom and not overkill , not close to the limit, not to please the masses

(not like the yamaha hs10s that stick out with their bassy boomy ness)

30 min update

before I got the HEAT I thought, why do I need 8 different + separate distortion circuits ? I am going to use the exclusively the one with the most destruction and fuckery.

but I was wrong!

I like it subtly !

I surely wasnt expecting that!

so :

I was looking for a tameable beast, and got a gentle alien princess


Nice rhyme!