Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Sweet Jesus and Mother Mary. Merci beaucoup

  • When clearing a bank, an additional confirmation press is needed to clear the bank.

Hey I think you found something here. I was able to recreate the second video and got the same (unexpected) behavior. It gets even wilder if you reduce the cycles down to two and set the second cycle to something like 5 steps.

My test was using Ableton as the lead clock, same behavior with both Song and Pattern mode for sending clock out to the T-1.

I’d email Torso about this, I bet they can figure it out.

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I was wrong. Upgrading was not an issue. I was in the pattern editing mode of a non-playing pattern. :man_facepalming:

Thanks to support for quickly replying. :+1:


Thank you for confirming. I will email them.

Think I found a bug with how the new Midi CC track responds to the Random feature, can anyone confirm? These Midi CC tracks are very very cool and would be great to use the randomness feature on them.

  • Set any track to be Midi CC type (cyan colored track button)
  • Choose one of the knobs in that track and set its CC value such that the top eight buttons are lit, via Midi Monitor this corresponds to a Midi CC value of 63.
  • Add a small amount randomness to that knob, something like leaving the bottom row of buttons in the middle and the top row set only one button to the right of middle on the randomness assign view.

Based on how randomness is applied to other things like Range, I would expect that what results is random values from the T-1 that are based around the value 63 with a small range added above and below 63; maybe a total range of something like 58-68.
What seems to happen is that the “base” Midi CC value jumps to 100 and then the random range is applied resulting in something like 95-105.

If you change the set knob value to anything, such as 10, 37, 104, whatever, you can see the Midi CC value jump to whatever you’ve set, then jump back to an apparent baseline of 100, and then the random range is added again.

I can confirm this behaviour. Even if you set the basic CC value to zero the random modulation covers the upper range.
It’s so obvious that it’s hard to imagine that this is just a bug they didn’t notice. Fingers crossed that this is no intentional behaviour, because this way it’s pretty much useless in my book.

what are you trying to control via cc? interested in what uses this could have

OoraMusic with the T1 & MD


Thanks for confirming, I’ll email Torso about it.

I agree that this one seemed very obvious, but hoping that makes it easy to fix…

I use the T-1 a lot to create melodies on a MegaFM and Digitone, so was hoping to try sending CC values to those

CC number cannot be changed? Only 70-84?

STEPS (cc70), PITCH (cc76), REPEATS (cc77), SCALE (cc83).

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I think its top row knobs Steps -> Pitch that are cc 70 to cc 76
Bottom row knobs Repeat -> Scale are cc 77 to cc 83.
So its 14 cc knobs understand the manual correctly :blush:


Why is it not configured? That’s obviously need :face_with_monocle:
On hw synth parameters has determined CC numbers and its may not match with CC T1.

I hope it Will be possible to assign diffrent cc with the software in later update. A bit constricted at the moment. All depends on What piece of equipment and their cc assignments right now…like its not usuable for the oto machines atm

They got to start somewhere…i hope it Will be freely assignable cc in the future. Would be a great update to an already awesome sequencer


Yes, you’re right. I misunderstood that section of the manual. Sorry about that.

FYI, Torso wrote me back and confirmed this is indeed a bug. They’ve flagged it for fixing on the next minor update.

Update: Torso replied again to let me know that they’ve now released v1.2.2 that fixes this. Now that’s what I call great response time!


The new cc tracks= every knob is a cc which are modulatable by randomness.

Would be nice if its value could be automated by Cycles!!

(i actually expected them to do something like that when cc tracks would be implemented)

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