Torso Electronics S-4 (sculpting sampler)

Looks like PE Tracker proto :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

dude :blush:

Looks like a beast for ambient and more leftfield type Electronica

Seems like a tape audio looper rather than traditional sequencer?

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Yikes! I canā€™t afford to want this, but I do.

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Too bad it got leaked - I know these guys. Unless itā€™s on purpose of course.
It looks awesome! Definitely getting this.


Please all mighty god let it be stereo samples. Looks interesting


My question is; is there a strong enough reason to want this if I already have an Octatrack?

I would just really like to see more strong OT competitors tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

I think a bigger hi-res screen like that is a nice thing to have, presumably it could be set to show whatā€™s happening on multiple tracks at once as well as just display much more information about the state of the machines. Thatā€™s something I think the OT could do with and why I hope Elektron move to a next-generation of displays for their future boxes.

Feels like thereā€™s a bunch of wasted space on the panel there, but maybe itā€™s because itā€™s quite thin or something.

And yeah if this isnā€™t properly stereo then just wtf man, wtf. But surely it will beā€¦

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And I was feeling so pleased with myself for not wanting new gear right now.


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Please do not share something thatā€™s been hidden for a purpose.


Iā€™m definitely curious. Even though T-1 wasnā€™t my jam, itā€™s clear this team clearly puts a lot of love into their stuff and the quality is very high.

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Based on what Iā€™ve read it seems like it could be a generative musicianā€™s dream FWIWā€¦ Not quite my bag all of the time but yeah seems ideal for some of that.

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Well, if it helps, I promise to remain pleased with you regardless! :wink:


It actually does help a little :slightly_smiling_face::pray:t2:


Fuck it, Iā€™m in.

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Looks fun, as long as it can be fun standalone, but if thereā€™s no battery Iā€™m out. I salute everyone who can sit at a desk for music making. My rare spare time is on a sofa or a train.

Amazing :black_heart:

Ok letā€™s speculate (thatā€™s what we are here for, right?):

  • Iā€™m pretty sure the 8 knobs in the upper right corner relate to controlling the 8 parameters shown in the picture:
    Ā°Speed Ā°Start Ā°Length Ā°Resample
    Ā°Flutter Ā°Wow Ā°Drift Ā°Wet

But what are the 4 symbols representing?

    1. (green triangle) ???
    1. (yellow square) ???
    1. (blue hexagon) ???
    1. (red cogwheel) ???

And the symbols below the 8 knows?

    1. waveform?
    1. granular?
    1. adsr?
    1. ???
    1. ???

Please insert your ideas (1-9) :bulb:

Could be an onboard mic with the four little holes by the power button?


If I had to guess, primary function start/stop/pause/record, but secondary functions as well (e.g. cogwheel is probably settings).

Edit: wait, I see start/stop under 5, so never mind.