Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith OB6

Same (pretty much). Just passed on a 1500€ OB-6 desktop two weeks ago. :see_no_evil: (I’m saving for something else.) Thing is, I sold my OB-6 last summer to get something else but even then I knew I was going to buy it again at some point. Probably the only synth that made me think that upon selling it. I have a sort of 5-year plan for my setup. It includes bringing back the OB-6 and buying a Prophet 6 as well. Then I’m set for life… :smiley:

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Any idea if a Roli can plug directly into it or do you need a computer in the middle?


Novation Peak was the one I thought for a long time I’d end up re-acquiring, but now it won’t do anything for me.

One thing now making me hesitate to jump on the Sequential bandwagon (in addition to this!): Synthpunk has the not-entirely-crazy idea that Dave Smith will come out with a new OB-Xa in the next two years. The idea is based on (aside from Behringer) Korg’s success with re-issues plus the new Prophets. Since this is about getting a dream synth and not filling a needed slot, I figure I’ll forget about it once again, and if this aspirational Xa pops up in the next few years, jump on that. I expect such a thing would be $4-5k—if we’re lucky—so might as well not overspend now, I reckon. Aside from the greater timbrality and voice count, is there anyone who considers the X’s sound to be close enough to the Xa that the difference doesn’t matter? Even so, there’s the greater timbrality and voice count.

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Ha! I went for the Peak after coming to the conclusion the sound of the OB-6 was just too big and commanding for what I’m doing. Which it was and I’ve ended up using Peak in a lot more finished tracks since. Peak for me is more versatile of the two. BUT (and it’s a big one) there’s just no replacing of the authentic OB-6 sound. What made it difficult for me to handle in an arrangement is also the thing that makes it shine.


The legendary Jexus did a sound set. He does some clever stuff with the effects. OB-6 - sound demo by Jexus / WC Olo Garb - YouTube


Wait, does this mean the keyboard aftertouch on the OB6 will be MPE?
Edit: I meant, does the keyboard support polyaftertouch itself?
Edit2: From the forums, “Only PolyAftertouch, not all the five dimensions. Still more dynamic than channel aftertouch. This holds true for all DSI synths. With external MPE controllers you can do poly aftertouch, but the built in DSI keyboards only have channel aftertouch. Very few hardware boards have MPE to date including the Modor, a couple of the Black Corp rack units like Dekkard’s Dream and the new one, and it is on the Moog One roadmap, which is not surprising since one of the authors of MPE standards Geert Bevin works for them now.”


Hi Insect vintage mode allows instability to happen with the filter, envelopes, and oscillators. You can do subtle changes and notice the instability happens once in a while or you can make it sound like a broken synth that needs repair immediately.

Subtle stuff will be if you play a triad and try to play the next triad there is a likelihood that the next triad might sound a little off.

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that’s funny because the OB6 is my go-to synth when there’s already a decent bit going on in a track and I need something I can sculpt to fit frequencies which aren’t already occupied. the filter allows you to find the perfect sweet spot. in other words: the synth doesn’t have to sound big and commanding.

but yeah, on paper the Peak is more versatile. just depends which sound inspires you more and what kind of tool you’re lacking.

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Can safely (and sadly) say it was user error in my case, by and large. At the time it was too much of synth for me to handle. I’ve since taken long strides in learning about synthesis in general. Listening back to some of the recordings I made with the OB-6, there are already some pretty nice things going on. And the character is just undeniable. Luckily, our paths will again be reunited at some point, which can be said of units that continue to be in production, i.e. not have their 2nd hand value skyrocket.

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Yeah, but that’s not enough, so thanks for the info before I went and purchased. I’d at least need to have the OB respond to MPE’s CC74. Plus, I’d need velocity sensitivity—I guess the OB already has that, at least from an external controller? Those three out of five MPE dimensions could do it for me, but I’d really want poly pitch bend, too. The only dimension I could live without is the sadly underused release velocity.

Not just BC’s DDRM and Xerxes, but also Hydrasynth. And my Super 6 has a dedicated MPE button, with UDO still promising MPE in the first half of 2021.

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Hello Chapelier. If you have an Octatrack or other Elektron unit with MIDI LFOs, you can use this for additional modulation on the OB-6. I havent used it much, but at least once I’ve successfully set up individual LFOs on VCO-1, VCO-2, VCO-1 PWM and VCO-2 PWM.

Just an alternative to achieve additional modulation on the OB-6.
(Sorry if this has been mentioned before)


I can’t find any info on how to switch between slop and vintage modes. Any ideas?


Hold bank+ globals… press #4. Default is off set it to on.

Vintage works like this 0 (furthest left) to max (pawn shop synth ).

Some patches even a little bit on vintage makes the difference


Many thanks. Very happy with this update for my P6. :grinning:

Has anyone been able to update with C6 app on Mac?


Just download sysex librarian

That didn’t work. I even changed computers, new download using sysex explorer. When I load it, it will countdown to zero and just reboot. No loading phase happens as described. Sequential

Contact sequential support and they troubleshoot with you

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Yes, Mac OS Mojave, via USB with Sysex Librarian. USB connected with a thunderbolt hub (nucleum from kingston).

I suggest to disconnect everything from the OB6 except for USB cable and Power cable.
Try making a global reset BEFORE updating, and after of course.

Edit: sorry didn’t notice the request was for C6 :grin: :grin: