Timetosser FX box

Yeah we’re qiute aware of it… but the name just fits too well to what it does. If it offends a few people in the process then so be it. I guess we could always change the name if it really poses a problem, maybe Wavewanker? :wink:


We have a few ideas, but first let’s see how this crowdfunding pans out! There are short crossfades to do away with clicks, yes.


I doubt you’ll offend anyone. Amuse for sure, but I doubt offend.
Best of luck with your endeavours.

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Thanks a lot!

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trs midi IO would be nice for future features:
slice sequencing/live glitching/granulator/looper
use as pad trigger

Charles Chicky Reeves basically endorses this product saying, "I would definitely use this thing live."

It’s a good sign for a product when anyone on Sonic Talk gives such a strong and inspired, impromptu endorsement. He has a real professional use for this product that’s part of his “brand”.

He’s been doing videos lately as well – will he be doing one on the Timetosser ?

A good suggestion too that they need to have a Kickstarter level where you can just buy the T-Shirt !

Anyone here want a Timetosser T-Shirt ?

Yeah there’s going to be a midi output as well. I hope to get a stable midi clock out from the internal tempo detection, this is all still in development but should make it in time for production.


Wow that’s a great clip! You guys are sure good in digging up stuff, thanks a lot!


Funny, I always wondered why there is (was) no such thing^^ :upside_down_face:

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And it’s live – pretty good subscription but early bird pricing is still available.

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I backed this!

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Hi everyone,

I had the chance to play with this little fx box for a few hours and created a short video of it showing what it it does. It’s a bit strange and works a bit different than similar timebased loopish devices. It is a kickstarter project by fellow Utrechters which you can find over here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/timetosser/timetosser-presented-by-alteraudio

The Timetosser (cheeky name… :wink: ) let’s you rearrange grooves in real time. It works a little bit like as stutter effect would, but the incoming audio is sort of sliced over 8 steps (16 if you hit shift) and the audio passes through those steps. Because of that you can ‘catch’ slices and reorder them by drumming new patterns.

Here’s the video which might make it more clear :slight_smile: It’s actually pretty nifty and a great way to quickly create new grooves or breaks. Enjoy!

I hope it gets funded. What do you think of it? Useful, or a bit unnecessary?


Reminds me a lot of OT delay play mode. Which I like a lot, but kind of falls quickly into the boring gimmick, so it’s good not to do this too often or for too long.
Ace for easy breaks/fills, though.


Yeah indeed. Just having it to drum a break or small change every now and then is nice. Didn’t have time to use it on a synth but that should work nicely as well.

Tough one to explain? :wink:

Question: what does the current looper function do? loop the slice rearrangement while receiving live input?

It reminds me, in some ways, of the old Red Sound SoundBITE which I always wanted but since they went out of production have become pricy boutique things now.

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Really interesting piece of kit. Really unfortunate name though.

I like it. Timewarp or Time Traveler would be good to.

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Time Bandit. With a Terry Gilliam edition in the future.


I love this thing. And the name. It’s a brilliant wee device for live audio mangling. Personally I’d rather have this than the Kaoss Pad because of all the quantise options being super easy to jump between. And it’s a nice looking box, the Kaoss Pad is a bit played out now. And surprisingly big. Four Tet would have been all over this thing back in the day.

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