Tightness of sequencer and jitter with/without Overbridge

Werks great with Logic. No issues here.
Can run CC data as well.

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Any updates mate?

I actually got rid of my Elektron stuff…A4, RYTM and Digitakt. Overbridge is great. But everything else just did not work for me at all. Sync is fine through OB, pretty tight but the machines just didn’t groove for me at all. Something was missing.

Bought a TR-8S. Bit of a pain having no OB but boy does that box groove and sing (even when synced).

Good luck.

The figures aren’t so great - I wonder if the best solution is to slave to Expert Sleepers, and use Overbridge for the audio return?

Even though you got rid of your Elektrons, for futurity: I do this. Rytm (and all the rest of my gear) is synced to Bitwig via an Expert Sleepers USAMO, and I can actually use Overbridge (with its sync disabled) to record (without monitoring) any individual voices I don’t feel like tracking via analog I/O on my audio interface. I haven’t noticed any issues with this, and I prefer syncing this way so that everything can have minimal latency from the DAW clock.

I remember trying this 1-2 years ago (using Live 10 at the time) and it not working so well. Maybe it’s better in Bitwig, or maybe it got better with newer Overbridge versions.

That’s interesting. I didnt know you could turn sync off. Does it lessen the cpu hit and latency from the plugin?

Does anyone know, is the resolution/refresh rate of overbridge automation higher than midi?
Can you modulate stuff at high frequency/close to audiorate? EG adding an envelope from VCV rack onto the volume of a track. This wouldn’t be so great with midi, but does it work okay in Overbridge? :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be much higher than MIDI in resolution. The other day I tried modulating a resonant filter’s frequency in the Rytm using a 2khz oscillator from Bitwig, and it crapped out as if the oscillator had only ~200 discrete values. Using the Rytm’s own audio-rate LFO sounds more like what you’d expect.

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Can’t confirm that at the moment, but all I know is that my CPU usage is totally manageable when I run instances of the Rytm and Digitone plugins with their sync off, even while using 16 inputs and 6 outputs of my audio interface in the project. FWIW, Bitwig has also been a lot kinder to me in regards to CPU efficiency than Live 10.

In terms of latency: the audio recorded from the Overbridge plugin is just as late (~50ms) as it is when I turn its sync on, but the rest of my project doesn’t suffer from any added latency as long as I keep their sync off.

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that’s a shame but I’d haev assumed as much