Those who use patchbays, where do you keep it?

Hello forum members,

I’m planning on getting a patchbay and I’m looking for ideas on where to put it.

This is what my setup looks like today:

With the disclaimer that I never used one, I think that the most ergonomic and practical solution would be to get a screen instead of the laptop/get rid of the laptop entirely and use an angled enclosure that would sit behind the Digi boxes.

An alternative solution could be to have an enclosure below my table an keep all the rack stuff there.

I think the alternative solution would be less desirable because I would not have direct access and line of sight to the rack stuff.

Where do you keep yours? What have you tried? What worked and what didn’t?

I would also appreciate pictures if you have any.


Would a desktop patchbay work?

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I use a wee ART TPatch - small affordable desktop unit that sits beside my interface and reamp box for convenient interconnections - worth a look if you’re only looking for a small number of ins and outs. I’d also considered the Bored Brain Patchulator and (think it’s called) Terminal when researching - look great too.


Thanks for the suggestion!

I would need one of those 24 channel variants so

There are 6 stereo synths, one mono and two stereo effect units that I would like to connect.

I also want to be able to patch things into the Digitakt, so that would cost me two more channels.

Mine is in a 14 space server rack on casters, a bit lower that I’d like but everything is labeled clearly enough.
The Behringer mixer is usually just to monitor through… when it’s time for any one instrument to be recorded it gets patched directly to my SSL interface.


Do how often do you patch things in and out?

Something to consider: If you don’t keep it on the bottom of the rack, you’ll obscure anything beneath it with cables.


It’s set up so everything goes into the patchbay first then the mixer (pretty standard) so that’s all sorted on the back panel…. Whenever I want to take a sound out of the monitor mix and into the DAW I patch it then and unpatch (the cables keep the metal door of the rack from closing fully… and that forces me to keep things somewhat tidy.)

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That’s kind of what I do — my screen is on a couple of riser levels above my desk, with the interfaces and patchbay underneath. Makes it super easy to repatch anything as I go.

That’s a nice tip. Thanks!

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I use a VESA arm to hold up my laptop today but I can just mount a screen to it.

What does your setup look like? Do you have issues with the patch cables obscuring gear that is in front of the patchbay?

I have my audio interface(s) below the patchbay(s). Even when there are cables covering parts of the interfaces, it doesn’t matter too much because I rarely have to tweak them. And even if I do, it’s not like there’s a whole forest of cables. If the patchbay is set up correctly, that is. I keep mine in a rack below the desk, btw.

I got a small rack from Thomann so that I can put things on top.
But you can also build one with wood.

I have the 2U variant. It’s cheap but you get what you pay for. Mine is not stable at all. The top hust bends if I put anything on it.

I recommend a small rack case. I keep mine off to the side of my desk. Frees up some desk space and acts as a sturdy shelf for other bits of kit.


How will you being using the patchbay?

I have my patchbay located in a separate «satellite» to the left of the main desk. I use a patchbay because I don’t have enough in/outs on my soundcard for all my gear. I’ve reserved a few in/outs for the satellite, which contains peripheral gear which I don’t use too often.


I’m not the person who asked, but thanks for mentioning this. I didn’t know you could get such a small patchbay. This actually looks perfect for my current setup as well.

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My plan is to have all my synths hooked up to my audio interfaces through normaled or half-normaled channels.

I also want to have the two outputs coming from my audio interface and going into the Digitakt through two more channels. This will allow me to record samples from any of my instruments.

The Analog Heat would be connected via two thru channels. This will allow me to patch it inline with any of my synths.

Other effect units would also be connected via thru channels.

You have a lot of space!

It probably depends how much you see yourself changing the patching. Below your interfaces makes most sense if stuff is mostly going to be normalled. All that space where the push is sitting would be handy for temporary addition of new gear into your setup via the patchay.

I have two of the Samson s-patch pros and they are in the middle rack section of my output platform desk. So right in the middle of my desk pretty much, right behind my mpc. The cables that I patch into them have never gotten in the way of anything, but I have found that I am not constantly patching and repatching, so I really could have put the patchbays anywhere in the studio and been fine, on a rack under the desk would really be no problem… I would say that the number one concern when putting in a patch bay is to minimize the length of the cables going into the back of it, because there are a lot (96 for my two patchbays!) which having it right front and center does in my case.