This corpse is dead

Thats up to the teams! And actually, it could be cross genre if the teams want to entertain different directions.

Im going to break up the teams to about 3 per team, and I’m going to seed the teams with the OG’s that I know from the other challenges, and then fill them out with the newcomers.

That way there is a mix.

I am definitely NOT listening to the samples, so I don’t make the teams based on how I would produce a track with the samples in the pool.

I don’t usually work with sampling others, but I could if that’s the direction others want to take.

I much prefer creating from scratch, but again I am 100% open.

I was asking because I’m not sure what’s meant by “element” for a 3-person team.

As long as nobody is asking me to sing, I think we should be good. My strongsuits are rhythm and bass.

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It can be what ever you think “element” is.

It just needs to be used in some way once, and the rest is up to whatever your whims desire!

Don’t stress too much. It’s gonna be loose and fun. Rules are guidelines.

We are just gonna make music together.

(I just added this to the top post, since I think this is the most important part)

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I’ll make it easy, you tell me what element you’re short on and I’ll get that to you.
Going 9n vacation but will take the lappy and some smaller boxes with me.



I just reread your post. The idea is that you put up an sample or oneshot, or whatever you want in the thread before I make the teams.

That way people can peruse the thread and wonder what will go where, and then have a reveal of who is on a team and what sample they have to work with.

Im glad your a part of this. You can just throw up whatever you want… it doesn’t have to be a major part of the composition.

Going somewhere fun for vacay?

Yes, I’m still up for this. I’ll have a look for a sample or one shot and post it here tomorrow :+1:

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Yeah, I’m game

I don’t really have a sample, but I can easy thing of something. Any kind of theme, or genre in mind?

Would it be worth people posting a couple of lines about themselves to make it easier to form teams?

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Looking forward to it!

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Nope. Its going to be up to the teams to come up with the genre. The theme is the element of surprise!

It would be great to get to know everyone! Im going to take a random approach to team building (and make a couple calls along the way!)

But if you think in terms of musical exploration, and unexpected results, it’s actually better the less we know.

In the end its just a fun way to get together with some fellow 'Nauts.


Cool, I just thought it would be better to group people who might be able to work together effectively.

For myself I’m largely in the box with Bitwig with occasional forays into the Polyend Tracker.
I’m not especially experienced, but I can make tracks. I’m a better musician that producer.

I mostly do Hiphop / Triphop stuff for the sample challenge, but I also do some house and synthwave type stuff.

I don’t really do Elektron boxes, techno, drum and bass, ambient or dubsteppy stuff

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No, I totally agree. If we were all in the same room, I would do things differently. Like have a buy in, and a money prize, where I would arrange to provide everyone with the same DAW, and sample pool… curate the teams… but since this is just a fun online challenge… and its summer… I think to keep this loose and fun is to share some .wav files and see what people come up with on their free time

I’m saying all this because I didn’t want you to think I was discounting what you were saying. And I appreciate what you mentioned.

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I wish to bring the mf’n ruckus.


Okay…. I’ll try to pair you up with someone who brings the pain.

Now… where do I find someone to bring the funk?

I already posted!

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I wouldn’t mind some funk’n ruckus!

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I think I had committed to bring the drums from The Meters, Cissy Strut…I’m probably making a rod for my (our) own back as I’m not sure that this maintained the tempo throughout but that’s part of the fun.

I don’t have any preconceptions of how a team will work, what genre/tempo we’ll aim for or what I’ll contribute but I have noise making gear, Logic Pro to record my musical missives and a can (try to) do attitude.
Bring it on :headphones:

I’m UK based in case grouping folk by continent becomes a thing…

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Is this your sample? Haha

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Good point me too

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Do I link a pre-rendered 8 bar, or just call “drums” / “lead” and let the group suggest a feel or key/bpm to later produce when we’re all assigned?

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