Things I'd rather see for the DN that are not machines

So in honor of it being a holiday and I’m at work let me post a thread that I’ve been meaning to post for a while. There has been much talk about when the DN will get machines and while it would be nice for us to get other forms of synthesis (VA, wavetable, additive) here is my not so complete list of things I would rather see implemented on the DN rather then focusing on giving us machines:

  1. The ability to change tracks while in mute mode

  2. A performance page! I would love to be able to twist one knob and have different ratios go up down and sideways. Implement it like the A4 and that takes care of the mute mode track change situation (for the most part0

  3. Different envelop shapes on the amp and synth page.

  4. A god dang midi arp

  5. While we are on the topic, a random function on the arp, and the ability to P lock the arp page. Yes I know you can do the sound save hack for this but it just doesn’t makes sense why they would omit this.

  1. 256 step patterns



A tale as old as time(also, YEP!)


I would like for the voices page button to have any icon other than the creepy lips.

I will gladly pay for this upgrade.


Just order the sample button that comes with the DT! It should fit!

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I’d really like an arp machine.


OMG y’all this is what we’ve been getting wrong. We’ve been asking for a Midi Arp when we should have been asking for a Midi Arp MACHINE!!!

feverishly resubmits all his feature requests


I had high hopes for an arp on my Digi boxes. Now I’m pondering a Torso T-1 or Midicake Arp.

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+1 on performance page
Kits for level-matching across patterns

I’ve seen the requests for machines. I’m still not sure what that means. Aren’t the algorithms effectively machines? Or do people essentially want Digitone to include a Model:Cycles with simplified parameter sets?

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Yeah to me machines just means “simplified parameters optimized for performance”

Ah. Fwiw, I’d love my DN to have much deeper arp controls. Skip the ‘Machine’ then. I don’t expect Elektron to cater to my whims, and I love my current setup. I’ll look elsewhere for arp enhancements.

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I am mystified by DN machine requests. The DN already positions itself at a level of simplification less than full FM interoperability, and hits a pretty sweet spot. M:C and Syntakt are the next level down in terms of simplification. I’m not even sure the recent machine additions to DT are a good idea in general (I don’t think they hurt, but they’re not what I would have asked for Elektron to spend time on).


How about Midigal? It’s based on midipal, one of the “apps” is MidiARP.

People want the sandwich that comes with fries.


If only it had 37 keys, a few extra knobs, controls and buttons….

Oh wait!!!

So glad I didn’t sell my keys! :smiley:

I would absolutely LOVE AND WALLOW in MIDI arpeggiator though!!!


I know there is a trend to put the fries into the sandwich but that mystifies me also.


It’s true that the DK has most of what I might want added to the DN. I stumbled into one here, which was very fortuitous. Still want arp improvements.

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Hey, don’t make me change every square button on my DN for the sexy Digilips!!


Can’t move all these to the feature request thread (software won’t cooperate), so please keep the discussion there: