Theory on Elektron's business strategy

They’ve grown and have financial backing
Instead of simply releasing only larger more expensive units every couple of years, they will implement their available tech and isolate them to smaller more affordable feature focused boxes.
I think it’s great, we will be entertained with cool small boxes whilst awaiting the newest big boys from Elektron


I don’t think there will be any more big boxes, at least not j the foreseeable future. BUT with an expanded demographic and more purchases hopefully their prices will drop and a new box comparable to the AR might retail for 900-1100 USD and that would be exciting

yes it’s interesting how Jomox brought out a cool range of modular analog single-use devices, although now is bringing a new flagship cruiser to the stage.

i would love to see Elektron bring out something like the UA 620, although with p-locking sequencing capabilities and an extra two tubes for an optional cascading dual-channel overdrive.

Marshal and Fender amps have a huge array of tubes inside, of different types. sometimes up to 12-18 individual valves.

i don’t really know where Elektron are going. The eventual cost of the DT still puts it in a pretty premium price bracket and is too expensive to draw in loads of custom from those who previously thought Elektron gear too pricey.

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All is said with the article :

i also read somewhere they will launch a lot of new products in the upcoming years so…

The company plans to further broaden its product range in the near future, with the aim of reaching new target groups.

it will be interesting.

Found this also :

But the only way you can effectively combine the different signal paths is through Overbridge, and I am not sure if I entirely agree with full featured software being distributed in a feature locked manner, i.e. you have to pay to play. If the “evil” private equity stakeholder gets a whiff of being able to generate an income stream from e.g. selling “season passes” for routing DT outs through A4 filters… we would be heading down a slippery slope.

I think the whole “pay for overbridge” has a bad wrap. To me it clearly makes the entry fee more accessible despite them hoping to get 750 per unit, lock some of the features till they get that extra money. For people that prefer to make all their music out of the computer the item is cheaper than if ob would have been included for free

I don’t argue at all that it lowers the entry point! But if Elektron truely pursue a modularization strategy, then OB becomes a necessity as you otherwise wouldn’t be able to unlock and access many of the features that are actually contained in an instrument or FX module like DT and Heat. I mean, if DT only has a stereo out, but you don’t want to process the master signal with Heat, than there is no other way then using OB, or am I wrong?

Bottom line: the DTs actual cost in order for the company to be successful in both the hardware AND software is 750 dollars you’re welcome to pay less if you prefer. If the software fails, then it’s a bad investment of the company’s time and resources and they can use both elsewhere. This extra charge for OB is good any way you slice it.

It also ties into their modular philosophy where the items sold are very precise so that you’re only paying for the things that you need in your music

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As someone trying to get away from in-the-box and enjoy not even having my computer turned on some days, OB gets a big ol ‘meh’ from me. The timing/clock is also off the few times i’ve tried it.

oh, yeah … Overbridge. Fuck that for a joke.
OB is the exact opposite of what i want personally.
but the cool thing is, it doesn’t need to be used so that is great implementation, for those who desire OB and for those who desire no OB whatsoever.

I like this idea but I’ll like it a lot more in X years when wireless digital audio/midi(or similar) works so well we don’t need cables…

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Dude! Seriously!

Judging by how well thier latest offerings actually work, I can tell you one thing for certain:

Whatever they try to sell you next will most likley NOT do what it says it does

Just because your hub doesn’t work or has failed some QC process it doesn’t give you the statistical credibility to say something so inflammatory and illogical … it’s basically grumpy trolling and rather off-topic … take your issue up with support and you’ll soon get resolution, but resist trying to stir things up here … we’ve had too many flare ups causing ill feeling on the forum

@ topic

Elektron have made it clear they are working on the ‘premium’ full fat boxes, so let’s just keep that in mind :thup:


“Modular” boxes, well, they aren’t really modular, would be a great way to go. From what I see around, focus and interest is more and more directed to “it does one thing and it does that very good”. Now how will then all those boxes been rooted and chained will be up to the creativity of the users.

Big hybrid stations, like back in the 90s, failed, and will fail again. It is fairly obvious that big boxes are directed to bedroom /home producers (and this is a little rant) making them believe that by buying that piece of gear one will instantly became a great musician… So, they will sell, probably a lot, people will toy with them for a while, realising it doesn’t make one a better musician, and they will pile somewhere in the backroom of a store…

I personally think Overbridge is as well not an interesting piece coming from Elektron. Same as above, trying to feed young producers the illusion that the road to satisfactory results in music is easy, just follow the path…

I couldn’t begin to fathom what the basis for their next premium box could be. Their previous catalog covers all imaginable bases

FM, additive, granular? I love the elegance of the FM machines in MnM - would love to see Elektron do a new digital box for the 21st Century.

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The digital box to rule them all.