The Virus TI2 desktop made me sell all my synths

I’m on a waiting list for this right now can’t wait


Ok, I’ve finally wrapped my head around the potential of what an elegant setup consisting of only an Octatrack MK2 and Virus TI2 desktop could offer. Using the OT’s cue outs routed to the TI2’s audio ins, the Virus could be used as an awesome effects processor capable of processing a live signal (like the dry snare isolated from the mix). This could be fed back to the OT’s remaining inputs using the additional separate outputs the Virus offers.

This totally solves any issues I might have with the quality of the OT’s FX. I suddenly feel an urgent need to acquire an OT MK2 now.


Virus TI have the Atomizer - Algorithm…… Slicer - Stutter for some extra power . this is just one of the many Functions that really Makes Ti a power synth with a very unique sound. with the moog filters and the Ti modulation matrix multis you have 16x…. this thing sounds BIG.


Yeah, had my TI mark I about 9 years and have bought and sold a lot of gear.
Only just in the last few years experimented with programming patches from scratch. It’s a gutsy synth, the Nord A1 sounds as good but no where near the power. Christophe Kemper of access was a genius with DSP programming no doubt about it.

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Exactly what I do to cut space with peddles I used to be down to bring everything now I’m constantly using all of octas holes and any other synth that has them to avoid bringing more shit lol


I once had a Virus A and the Sound didnt grew on me at all. Too plastic sounding for my taste. UI could also be better. Prefer my P6/A4/Peak.

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I am a Virus TI heavy user and got mine in 2005 when it was released. I traded my Virus A and a lot of other stuff (Waldorf Microwave, Pulse…) to get the bucks together. I don´t think that a digital synth that is so versatile and capable of covering so many tasks exists other than the Virus. Access´ upgrade policy was always fantastic, the Graintable Oscs, Tape Delay and Frequency Shifter are only three features that were implemented years after its release. Three wavetable OSCs, four Envelopes, four LFOs and a Mod matrix are giving your creativity the tools you need. Still, I would always use a moog or another analog synth alongside because the Virus is quite limited when it comes to “simple” sounds. Like the Analog Keys (which I never loved as much as the Virus or my other analog synths) it needs a lot of twiddling and tuning to get this basic analog sound you instantly hear when you play a moog or a ms20. In 2018 I can´t see anything that would not be possible with Serum or U-He Zebra but still the Virus is a fun instrument that will never be sold (until the Virus D is released).


I’d really like one though currently keeping the GAS at bay with this set up till I find one for a decent price.


I just picked up a TI2 Whiteout keyboard on craigslist for a crazy deal. Haven’t clicked with it yet - maybe need to read the manual or use the integration vst on computer?

Still miss my P12 and thinking about picking up a Rev2 16 voice. If I have an OB6 am I overlapping with a Rev2 or P12 + Virus?

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I had an OB6 and recently sold it for a TI (money thing overall). I have a P12 so I’ll be rocking the TI+P12. I would say the OB6 stands clear enough off of the other synths you listed that it will do well in any pair. I’m a fan of digital and hybrid synths and it’s taken me a bit to figure that out. I’m hopeful for the TI and excited for it to show up. I’m also curious how well it and the P12 will work together.

I began to enjoy mine much more when I just skipped past the 2000 presets and went right to INIT patches and built everything from scratch. Give that a try. Also, I really don’t enjoy sound design from the front panel of this thing; I find it tedious. I much prefer to just do it from within the TI software.

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Yeah, definitely dig in. Just messing with modulating a couple of the oscillator parameters on a single oscillator can lead to all types of wild sounds without even getting to the filter or any of the awesome FX.


I use de Combo Ti Polar with the Evolver Keyboard also the Prophet. for me the combination is near perfect i feel the Evo and Prophet with extra grit and more immediate but the sequencer makes a big difference and the TI have another depth and flavor completely different. that contrast and works really well.


You made me do it!
Buying a TI tonight.


I just noticed the Virus TI2 desktop is no longer available from Thomann. I wonder what that means.

Love my tiny TI Snow…


It means that from now on the Virus will only be available as easter-egg mode in the Kemper modeling amp.

I seriously hope that some day one of the Access people who are so busy selling their guitar amps will get back to the desk where the synthesizers are developed.


someome wrote a piece that said there are two things to consider about the virus ti. Firstly the Motorola dsp chipset that it is based on reaches end of production in 2020 and the existing code is written in machine language for that chipset. For them to develop a new synth using the current ARM type processor someone (I’m assuming Christian himself) would need to rewrite all the code in C++. A very big undertaking. Don’t know how accurate these facts are but thought I would mention

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I wasn’t sure if it was normal for Thomann to not have Access products available from time-to-time, and whether they ever become available again if they do. There was a price drop on the Virus TI2 desktop recently in the US; it kind of feels like they’re trying to clear out inventory. I don’t know if this means they plan on replacing it with an updated model, or if they are just no longer producing them. The 37-key versions are still available.

Gave up hope of a TI3 years ago