The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

If I can only have one request:

  • An arp like the DN. It’s an amazing idea generator and essential for a device that doubles as a multitrack mono synth. Unbelievable omission.

If I can get greedy:

  • Pattern playback modes like the MC-101: reverse, invert, random steps
  • Rudimentary save of pattern chain (retained after project reload) - poor man’s song mode
  • Instant pattern switch (retaining the bar/beat count, not restarting it)
  • Basic undo - I don’t care if it requires a 3-button key combo for a limited one-step undo level, just do something that let’s you revert back to the last state of whatever you just accidentally did
  • Fading p-locks: set a p-lock on one step and another one at a later step, and have the option to gradually sweep between the two states rather than treating them as isolated, discrete steps.
  • 128 step patterns. Invert the LEDs to indicate which page you’re on. Don’t force me to pattern chain since that creates weird pattern shift resets of parameters that are meant to gradually open up over the course of a pattern.
  • Shortcut to revert to pattern version saved to the project. Basically like a harder version of Func+No that doesn’t recall Func+Yes but whatever was stored in the project file.

My biggest gripe though that ain’t gonna happen: usb-c and battery power options built in. They’re even touting the small size fitting on your lap in their promotion video, which makes it even more crazy that they aren’t offering this.


Your second is the most reasonable thing I’ve heard for feature reqs

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A new engine on the 8 digital voice.
This one would be heavily based on chord engine, but used as a paraphonic synth.
I mean each noteOn will trigger one oscillator and not the 4 of them.

So that it allow people to make melody using one track with an external keyboard.


I’d like some way to upload user-generated wavetables, which I think could also be “hacked” as a roundabout sample playback with LFO trickery.

As a few people have mentioned, I’d love if the modifier buttons had an effect on already sequenced tracks to be used as a performance tool.

I think different Midi Machine types would also be cool, so maybe an Arp can’t be fit into the regular sequencer, but maybe there’s an Arp Machine with plenty of p-lockable options (not unlike the Octatrack), or a Euclidian Machine that outputs plockable euclidian rhythms over Midi.


Portamento. Did we learn nothing from the DN rollout? Always bring the portamento to the party right out of the gate.


That sequence pool idea is totally nice, like programmed fills, that would be awesome to include. Submix griups would be cool. So we can assign performance level to 3,4 submix /busses.

Option to loop only selected /current pages.

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using the modifiers live would be awesome…

eg different send levels, different lfo rates, different octaves/tuning that could modifiy already sequenced trigs


More machines:

  • backport & re-imagine the classic Machinedrum machines, including the UW machines
    (no competition as MDs are no longer produced)
  • modeling classics, like the recent MPC’s do
  • open up to some 3rd party coders (like Arturia did with Noise Engineering and Mutable Instruments for the MicroFreak)
  • but leave some room for a SynTone…


  • euclidian sequencer
  • programmable/complex arp


  • name MIDI Devices and CCs


  • connect USB audio interface for extra IOs when performing live (like the recent MPC’s)

+1 for ports of MI physical modelling oscillators.


What is DN?

MD ports please. Especially physical modelling


DN is shorthand for Digitone that many use around this forum.

DN - Digitone
DT - Digitakt
AR - Analog RYTM
A4 - Analog Four
M:C - Model:Cycles
M:S - Model:Samples
OT - Octatrack
AH - Analog Heat


Same request as with the Digi boxes: give us kits or a way to simply keep sounds as they are when changing patterns (synth lock like they gave us fx lock). As they are I can’t use these products to play live unless I’m running a single pattern.


Arpeggiator would be nice.


I may have missed these in the manual, but some nice simple additions would be choke groups and layered trigs like the Machinedrum (or the Digitone layer parameter). Don’t really see the point of using this thread to fantasise about features that are clearly way outside the scope of the machine.


Sample Playback is for sure possible. I agree on choke groups) Also random note would be awesome with range)


I’m not going to read this thread so consider these an upvote if already mentioned. Some of these may not be technically possible or may already be.

  • Song mode
  • 6 note midi polyphony (or because midi tracks can send on the same channel the ability to record midi notes from a keyboard spread into two tracks)
  • ability to tap into the delay, reverb, filter and drive separately via overbridge as four separate stereo sends, which can then be returned as separate stereo tracks (or at least one).

Use case above is basically as a combo hardware sequencer / fx processor for external gear running into a daw via a separate audio interface. It’s so close.


This SynTakt has so many features i sort of requested in some way over time, crazy! Must have!

Of all the teaser vids, BoBeats, Loopop, (usual suspects from the more technical perspective, always a good read)

Demo-wise this one speaks to me most:

SynTakt Last V8 remake by Tubesockor

A fine wizard already squeezing the SynTakt into some refreshing juice for the nostalgic!


PS: as i once asked: would be nice to use the DT, DN, ST as a ‘brain’ for an electronic drum kit!

It can be done with the DN using soundpool/multi mapping :wink: ???

(just for fun, adding to another level of creative exploration - maybe live recording sequences with human feel and some velocity/dynamics) ‘wonky beats’ anyone? Or a nice rendition of a tasty ‘Amen’

I guess the SynTakt should be very capable of doing this very thing (with a few tweaks? - by multi mapping Tracks/machines (8 slots) to key/note?

So maybe add a feature to multimap/route internally for external triggering??

Chisel those custom Kits and keep a few tracks for some juice, chirpy play along bass/tune parts ! Woohoo nice!

(Sync DN + transport/master clock/midi song mode (prg changes) and record multiple PTNs/sequences in one go ???)

I guess you can drive the Hihat open/close state using the modwheel cc

Especially nice, take it one step further:
triggered acoustic kit for a nice blend between the analog and digital realm?

just some silly brain storming.

SynTakt, awesome!

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That is a wonderful demo of the machines that Cycles doesn’t have. What an amazing device for chip-tunes.