The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Just hit FUNC+PLAY again immediately to cancel clearing. Figuring that out worked like an AED to my heart attack.


holy molyā€¦ thatā€™ s a thing? life saving if true

Yup itā€™s a thing. Itā€™s a UNDO CLEAR feature.

Copy, clear and paste commands are available in a lot of contexts. Pressing [FUNC] + [RECORD] to copy.
Press [FUNC] + [STOP] to paste. Press [FUNC] + [PLAY] to clear. Paste and clear operations is undone by
repeating the key press combination. Please see the different sections in the manual for more information
on when these commands are availableā€


One of those ā€œshould have read the manualā€ instead of basking in existential dread haha

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Yeah, there are tons of nuggets in the manual including a page of key combination shortcuts.


This has saved me a bunch of times :sweat_smile:

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Thanks everyone :slight_smile: I actually did know the undo trick, but I did not know which keypresses I did in the first place :stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™m still not sure it was FUNC+PLAY since all patterns were deleted, not just the one I was working on?

All patterns in the bank, or all patterns in the project?

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I canā€™t tell, there was only data in the first 12 slots. The Syntakt - my first piece of Elektron gear - came just a week ago and I have only worked on sounds so far :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Yeah, the whole pattern saving/copying/clearing system is a bit of a pain in the arse on Elektron gear. It takes a bit of getting used to.

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Configuration option to replace the M1-M4 modifier buttons with four Midi channels meaning that you donā€™t need to sacrifice an instrument track for a midi one. I figure thereā€™s enough processing power to do this as the DT has 8 Sample and 8 Midi tracks.


ā€œimmediatelyā€ is the part that I find easy to miss, and part of why I think it is so easy to accidentally lose workā€¦ ā€œwhich thing did I accidentally hit, that now I have to hit again to undo? and if I hit the wrong thing, I might lose the ability to undo?ā€

After getting deeper into my M:S, I am beginning to understand why the :3lektron: way of clearing the whole pattern is useful in a LIVE REC mode in which the keys Iā€™m pressing are trigging individual tracks (like hitting the dedicated T1-T6 keys on M:S) ā€¦ but Iā€™m fighting to accept (on Syntakt and probably DN) that when Iā€™m in a ā€œsingle TRACKā€-oriented LIVE REC mode, where Iā€™m using the trig keys as a keyboard and playing only a single track, itā€™s still so easy to clear the whole pattern. But Iā€™m still learningā€¦ (and am lucky to be safe indoors with a roof over my head and food to eat :slight_smile:)

tl;dr ā€“ Iā€™d be happy with a ā€œpersonalizationā€ option to disable the shortcuts for Clear Patternā€¦ itā€™s still available inside the menu system through just a few (deliberate) button presses ā€¦


So far I miss portamento, parameter slide, transposing, trig mutes, kits and multi map.

Really liking the form factor and not having the drum pads.


I may be the only one but Iā€™d like to see tempo range go down to like at least 10 as the lowest or just make it 1 and we can choose what we want. Why stop at 30 :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe I want something snail crawling at tempo of 5 lol.


I donā€™t know if it could be done or if thereā€™s power to do itā€¦

What about giving us an option to turn on or off the 4 modifier buttons and give us option to make them 4 extra digital tracks or 4 extra analog tracks or 2 more digital and 2 more analog or maybe 4 hybrid tracks that infuses digital and analog in each track.

I mean I know some people will never use them, so why sit there wasting away for nothing if they can be used for something else? Iā€™d like to see the digitakt get the same treatment. Not everyone uses midi tracks, so why not give us option to turn them into another 8 tracks, but I am guessing itā€™s all due to power of the machine etc.


I would love a VO-6 machine for that vocal sound.
Also, Song Mode would be wonderful
Possibly voice sharing similar to the Analog Four.



I suspect there must be hardware reasons/limitations why there are exactly 4 analog voices assigned to exact track numbers.

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The option to change how much volume is affected by velocity, like you can on the Digitone. I like turning down the filter cutoff or envelope depth and other stuff at lower velocities, but that combined with lower volume makes it too low.


Hi @Eaves. First off, thanks for all the great music and YT tutorials!

I asked a similar question yesterday and got this response (I think weā€™re referring to the same thing)ā€¦


Aha, thanks for the tip @tallrobphilp and @x0x! Gonna try that out :slight_smile:

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