The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

A lot of requests for a master compressor. Where do you think it could be placed in the signal chain? In the Analog FX Block, then the compressor would need to be analog and is that even possible with a firmware update? Unless it is somehow a digitally controlled amp type compressor, maybe?

Ability to chose what tracks are effected by Ctrl All. Maybe just have the percussive tracks effected by control all and leave some tracks you’ve set aside as melodic instruments unaffected for when you go bonkers on envelopes and would like to prevent long melodic notes from being muted if you go low on decay and release for quick blippy drum breaks.

Well, obviously you can’t add analog components with a firmware update :slightly_smiling_face: But it could be that there is an analog compressor already in the hardware but not enabled (yet) in the firmware.

Looking at the signal chain it isn’t clear to me if a digital compressor would be possible, as that would require an extra AD -> DA step at the end of the chain:

But the Analog FX can also be sent to the digital reverb/delay and overbridge / usb also has a digital signal of the output so it could be that this AD -> DA conversion is already happening at the end of the chain (main mix?). In that case a digital compressor could be added in a future firmware update.

Some might argue that the syntakt is not a musician but an instrument. It is definitely a bit in between though. Personally I feel that if Elektron were going to put a song mode in the digi boxes they would have done so, so I don’t bother asking for it. I guess it is ultimately a difference in what we request for features. Some request the features they want and others request the features they thing are realistic or within the scope of the device.

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DT, DN, ST, AH, A4. That’s 5 boxes I would’ve bought (again) if they all had songmode.

I wanna create music without a PC and I’m not a live performer either. Therefor songmode = a must.

IIRC Elektron never really told in a direct way why songmode isn’t a priority or did they?
I can make my own conclusion that these boxes are mostly focused on live performance.
But why not focus on both?

If Elektron made a new box that’s also a USB hub/audio interface/mixer they make live performers happy but also those who don’t want a computer. And I’ll be buying 6 Elektron boxes!

Maybe it’s just not possible because of hardware limitations? If only Elektron gave us clear answer.


:thup: Velocity to Vol switch

The ability (a toggle) to break the link between velocity and amp level

A new option in /Sound/Setup/ in line with other Elektron devices …
… usually shown as


Why ?

The need (option) for a sequence-able parameter (velocity) that allows parameter modulation (there are four destinations in velocity mod), without killing volume too (which can still be p-locked anyway)

This gives more us options for no overhead, allowing the (velocity) modifiers to be not only about dynamics, but alternatively about timbre - handy as velocity is the only ‘performance’ modulation parameter the user can sequence internally


LFO destinations for ARP parameters, once we get the ARP of course :grin:

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I would love to see the retrigger parameters as lfo destinations :space_invader:

…Also a glide control for parameter locks would be great!


Totlly agree on this list

There’s a delay when restoring from messing up/going off, back to OG temp pattern. Cycles is instantaneous, also no back button like cycles when tweaking parameters. Pretty disappointing .

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+1 , wish !
in find, there is under several circumstances a small delay notable.
hope its just a thing of optimizing some things (code)

these firmware updates, whatever they are, are going to be the most eciting firmware updates of all time in my book

i can’t wait to see how they improve this thing. seems like a lot of potential in n already packed machine

i assume they left lots of room for upgrades since the days of octatrack dsp limits

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this is a great idea. i second this request. like a qper/perf mode for timbre adjustments. maybe my favorite aspect of the a4 is the ability to use the qper knob as a sound design tool for non-destructive experimentation, as well as a sound-altering performance tool

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Was just about to post about the same thing, then saw this :slight_smile:

This would open up crazy modulation possibilities. Seeing as this is a synth machine, I’m not sure whether variations in velocity actually affect the sounds (before using velocity mod), maybe some of the machines do react to velocity. Though its not really a problem, its a shame that you cant edit aftertouch and mod wheel data.

Something like an independent velocity depth would be cool (so set it at min for no depth at all, max for full, etc).

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For all the digi-sized boxes, I’d love it if we could re-assign the filter envelope as a mod source. It’d be cool if you could also make it looping


I don’t know if this is a bug report or a feature request, but FILTER KEYTRACK doesn’t provide proper octave tracking when set to 100 (still flat). I would also like an option to let the filter ring out for longer when pinging it with UT Impulse. Even with max. RESONANCE settings the dampening ist quite strong (unless I missed something?)

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Got my Syntakt today. Here are my desires for this bad boy.

  • 1 or 2 assignable envelopes
  • The machines are cool, but we need some more parameters. Maybe a 2nd syn page. It’d be nice to be able to dial in a few more settings.
  • Another digital kick machine
  • Polyphonic on the SY machines
  • Arpeggiator
  • Unless I missed something, there’s no way to set the mixer in to stay the same globally
  • A compressor would be nice, but only if it can be bypassed by certain tracks, or at least the input
  • Chorus!

There’s a one shot mood for the LFOs, so you can use those as envelopes.

To be able to FM machines w/ one another.
To use machines as LFOs

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Oh I know. I want more modulators :slight_smile: