The Role Playing thread

Big fan of BWHQ games. Torchbearer is my favorite. Feels more elegant and streamlined than Burning Wheel while still holding onto core philosophies.


Shadowrun rules here


Paper RPGs bring back old memories for me. As a teenager in the 90s I played paper RPGs a lot with my high school mates. After finishing school, our paths parted and I didn’t have any more opportunities to play. We mostly played Call of Cthulu set in the 1920s and Cyberpunk 2020, of which I was the GM. Sometimes D&D and Earthdawn. We also tried to play Paranoia RPG, but those sessions were a mess.


Well I only discovered this game recently, there is now a 4th edition which is very well made, and seems, from what I read on dedicated forum, like an update to the second edition. The second edition is not irrelevant and the new books are referencing it. From my perspective it is still popular (and I can’t wait for some books to be translated in French)


That’s awesome! I hope You can finish it and share it with us. Do you mind telling us what genre or kind of setting it takes place ?


I just gave it a glimpse. The rule system sounds very fun and immediate!

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There’s actually a lot of YouTube albums for this, it lends a lot toward ambiant. You might also want to check tabletop audio, to generate the sound you want during your games.


Ah man. I played RPGs for all of my late teens and early 20s. It has been less consistent in my 30s. Mostly DnD 3.5 or 5th, or Pathfinder. I DM’d a Dark Souls campaign in 3.5 for about 2 years, back when only the first game was around so I had lots of room to play with the lore. It was loads of fun. I still have my notes from that, somehow.

I dropped out of my most recent campaign due to scheduling/ energy issues, but I’d like to play again soon. I miss it. My group also had a couple hard reboots to the campaign, which really killed momentum, and is also when I dropped. I’m also bored stiff of DnD 5e, but my group (including me) doesn’t have the patience/ time/ energy to learn something else.

I ran a game of The One Ring for about a year. That system is absolutely incredible and perfectly captures the feeling of reading Tolkien’s works, but everyone has to buy-in to a certain mindset and it requires a pretty extensive knowledge of background lore from at least the DM to get the most out of it. As a Tolkien junkie I’d still have to spend a lot of time brushing up in order to run it to my own standards.

This sounds right up my alley! Thanks for mentioning it. Speaking of scifi, I tried running Eclipse Phase twice. The game was just too convoluted and clunky for me and my players, even if the setting is one of the coolest I’ve ever seen. I’ve heard 2nd edition is a lot smoother but after the bad experience the first time my group doesn’t want to try.


It’s set in a loose late bronze age time period (specific setting is indeterminate currently, but I’d like to expand on that) and is wide enough in scope to tell stories of most any socio-economic class. PCs are people touched by fateful forces in some way and dreams and omens play a big part in the game. Still working on the exact way these concepts will manifest. Thank you for asking!


These are probably my most favorite comics. I LOVE them. Do you have a link to the role playing game perchance?
I’m at work rn and hate responding ding in any length via phone, but look forward to responding g to this thread when I get home. Good call on opening it, @pumpkin_head, I’ve thought about doing so myself many times…

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I only tried the Essential start kit, and I wasn’t convince either by the scenarios or the game mechanics, then I kind of force my party to swicth to warhammer :joy:. That being said you may take a look at shadow of the demon lord (or shadow of the weird wizard if you want to stay in something less dark) the rules are really easy to get, especially when coming from DnD.

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I’m not too upset, I got like 10 years of play out of the system. But I’m really ready for something that feels better. We tried PF2e for about 6 months and it was too much in the other direction - rules for everything, and a web of options that felt overwhelming.

I’ve actually had SotDL on my to-read list (along with Lamentations of the Flame Princess) for a long, long time! Just haven’t made the effort. Is Weird Wizard more or less the same ruleset but with less grimdark stuff? That’s been one of the main things keeping me away from Demon Lord.

Yes that’s it, same rule logic with a more classic med fan setting.

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I am not sure it exists in English actually, in French it’s from the “Donjon Bonus - clef en main” book.

Yeah, it was really fast paced and simple which made it a blast to play!

I’ve been wanting to give it a go as Baulders Gate 3 helped me get an idea of the flow of things. I once tried as a teenager, but the character creation took longer than the quest as the DM was an overly hormonal Mormon kid and the first three interactions with other NPCs went about as you would expect them to. Ended it after the third scantily claded women pulled a knife on me.


Yeah usually character creation takes most of the first playing session anyway, but it’s always a good way to discover the game 's lore.

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I played a bunch of AD&D 2nd edition as a youngster, and then discovered Call of Cthulhu. What seems to be my fate/curse is that whenever i am interested in playing a role playing game, i always want to play as a character and withoiut fail wind up being the DM/GM/Keeper/Referee.
I want to be a PC!
But i LOVE reading the books for roleplaying games. Rules, supplements, etc.
I like the open ended stories that they present, so, even though i have sunk a whole lot of money into the hardback versions of the Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign and will probably never actually play it, ive read it and it got my mind inspired and i usually have some sort of creative burst.
My most recent acquisition of a role playing game i stand a good chance of never actually playing , is Ultraviolet Grasslands and THe Black City. I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. THe book grabbed my eye immediately. Art that is very Moebius inspired, very Heavy Metal magazine. It claims its influences as psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre (hello Jack Vance!) and the Oregon Trail games. you start on one end of a massive map and have to journey in a caravan to far away parts, with a sort of ultimate destination far in the west against the edge of time and space itself.
its a fucking trip.
the book has about 4-6 pages of “rules” up front and then youre thrown into the descriptions of the locations on the huge map. its surreal and ive never come across a rule book like this. it has its ups and downs. it can be frustrating to glean information you want from it, but the rules and the concept are so open ended that i think anything goes and it will all worl out. There are actually tables so you can roll a die and generate a whole different history for your world.
reading it was very inspiring to me and i felt like it influenced my music for a bit.
its written, drawn, and edited by one guy, Luka Rejec.
definitely worth a look.


If you wanna GM CoC, i’d totally play that game! I’ve played this adventure path Strange Aeons for Pathfinder, and it was too much hack and slash not enough existential horror.

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I just check UVG and apparently a French translation is being done right now. The whole Moebius vibe is appealing!