The project state hes never been saved :D

Hello, im sorry i kindly ask how to reload a never saved “save as new project”

Noone? noway? :smiley:


You can’t Reload not saved projects.
New project : only work files.
Save project : a copy of current work state become saved files
Reload project : work files are replaced by saved files.
Save As New : a copy of current project work files is done in another folder (project), without saved files.

I mentioned here several times, a SAVE AS NEW project isn’t saved. It is a copy of current project work state. Should be called Copy As New. I save them just after in order to go back to that state.

Do you still have original project ? You can re-start from that if you didn’t modify it…


How can you expect to reload a project that has never been saved?

There is no saved data. There for there is no data to be reloaded.

Makes total sense. 100% logic.


ma porco dio… “save as new” then just try play a little bit and then try to hit reload dude :wink: 100% logic…

See @sezare56 comment above.
Also check manual for definitions.

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Your opinions and insults are not helping you understand the facts given several times in this thread.
By definition, according to octatrack operation manual, and as quoted by @sezare56, save as new is not the same thing as save project.


do you know “consumer association” ???

saving means saving, or in another side of europe saving means throwing away? good night dude…

and waiting the double progress bar… :smiley:

Should be called COPY TO NEW as I said. Once you know the actual behavior, not a big deal : just save after.

(The function is SAVE TO NEW, and the prompt is SAVE AS NEW :content:)

thanks for patience as you understand this behaviour touch my nerves,
i want only say that i’m devoloper for the well know assurrence company, if i develop something like i loose the job

Funnily, after validating SAVE TO NEW function, the prompts are :
Syncing Project (to card)
Save Project As
Saving As New
Save As New

But it isn’t saved…:rofl:
(No save files, hence no Reload possible)

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Has someone reported this to Elektron support?
Seems like a good idea.

< moderator hat on >

And @Allibrante:

  • consider getting a new 64 GB CF card
  • stop offloading your frustration this way in this place. It’s really not welcome. And perceived as a bit childish.
  • Criticism is ok, as long as it’s constructive. Not to be confused with ranting.

I’m a developer as well and intuitively understood “Save to New” from the 1st time I used my Octatrack, using it to save copies of my projects that I wanted to mess around but have a backup. So I don’t really understand throwing the credentials in that since it can be interpreted both ways, you are saving whatever is currently in memory to a NEW project file.

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