The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

Oh how I want this.


I‘d wish a proper bit reduction. The current one sounds a bit odd. I love the SP1200 sound.


I would like paste undo working how it was for the last 10 months, it was very flexible, now its not.

It is back!, not in the notes that I could see but hooray anyway, with this nice new compressor to play with it turned into a good day.

what means proper bit reduction?
DT bit reduction is pretty cool!

don‘t forget that there is always background noise what will also be bit reduced …
that makes this kind of bit reduction on samples mostly very crushy!

i‘m also a fan of clean and bit reduced synths, what is only cool inside digital signal flows :wink:

Apologies if this is the wrong thread. Can we get the compressor attack/release settings to actually read out ms values instead of anonymous integer values? Thanks a ton for adding this feature as I had posted previously about the Digitakt feeling deeply in need of a on-board compressor. I was quite surprised to see the 1.08 release news.


You want the Digitakt feature request thread, two doors down.

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On the mixer screen, either press the knobs or midi track trig buttons to mute/unmute track audio (as distinct from the existing mute features which mute trigs)

The same with the filter frequency. HZ instead of 0-127. On both the multimode filter and the base-width filter that’s surely coming in a later update… :stuck_out_tongue:


and the threshold in db please!


Visual metronome in all mkii and digi line should follow the metronome settings…

for example if i want the click to hit only in the first meter out of four , then visual metronome should flash 1 time in the first meter as well .

just saying… : )

+1 for more filter modes. i really need them.
+1 MIDI pick-up mode


A template for midi channels including the eight programmable encoders and the ‘SRC’ page in full.

This should be in a separate area and be easy to reprogram. When you want to use it you just copy and paste it to the new — or old — pattern.

This would save me the 15 minutes I spend setting up a framework for the midi pages when creating a new project, and it would be swell if there could be one of these per project with the option to reuse them as needed.


saving compressor settings as preset or the entire FX section, or each of them …

kind of FX banks …

i know i could save a blank preset and always starting from this point …

fx banks will be very useful when adding the additional FXs :wink:

Why not just setup a template project and copy that instead creating a new one each time?

(copy project == load it + save to a different project slot)


-Ability to handle External Audio in, especially from Digitone,

-External Audio available as source for Side Chaining.

-Per track and External Audio in sends for the Compressor

Asked this in Digitone topic also but…

Why no compressor sends on these kind of boxes(Elektron and otherwise)? Anybody know?

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Momentary Sequencer Control Trigs
A play mode where, to explain by way of example:
hit play (sequencer plays 16 step seq as normal)

hold trig 2: seq restarts and runs forward starting from trig 2 for 16 steps (trig 1 is last step)
release 2: seq restarts and runs from 1 as normal again

hold trig 2 and before the sequencer gets there hold trig 6 simultaneously: seq runs forward from 2 to 6 in a loop
release both trigs: seq runs from 1 as normal again
or instead of release 2 + 6, hit [FUNC] while still holding them and the loop locks to 2 to 6 looping
hit 2 + 6 again to return to normal

hold trig 7 and if you also subsequently hold trig 3 seq runs in reverse from 7 to 3 in a loop
release 3+7: seq runs from 1 as normal again (or hit [FUNC] to lock the 7 to 3 reverse loop, as above)

Hold [PLAY] + any trig: just play that trig once for all tracks

… not a fully thought out description, but you get the gist - a special play mode that allows you to use the trig buttons to loop fwd and reverse, adjust loop start and end points etc.


I’ve got a crazy idea- what if you were able to manually set the default sample select position for each track? Say 1 for track 1, 11 for track 2, 21 for track 3 and so on and so forth.

That way you could group all your kicks together, snares together and not have to go through the entire list in order to find the right sample for the track.


One possible feature please, add the “DJ EQ effect” you have on OT for DT ! for each tracks!
Easy for Elektron team to make it possible !

I don’t think the processor of the digitakt can handle 8 additional effects, but I may be wrong.

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