The CV track

Does anyone here know if it is possible to specify which of two or more gate signals fire with a trig lock on a CV pattern? For instance, I have CV A/B set as gates and CV C/D as V/Oct - can I specify CV A to fire instead of B or is it all-or-nothing?
I understand that I could put trigs on, say, the FX track to activate CV B separate from CV A, but what if I need the FX track trigs for other purposes? Thanks :slight_smile:

They are plockable, just press CV A on cv track in grid mode and do your stuff - u can also modulate which source is used for all cv signals in realtime if u don’t want it static !

So, it doesnt appear that the sequencer of the CV track allows me to trigger CV A (set for gate signals) seperate to CV B (also set to gate)! Both fire together, wether I insert the trigs with the CV A or the Cv B menu open…
To have one fire but not the other, I need to plock the Src track to the CV gate I don’t want to activate to a blank track, such as FX? You seem to be suggesting that the CV track allows trigs seperately for each CV channel, but I dont think it does this - a trig triggers all CV channels. Have I missed something in setup?

yeah - got a bit carried away with sources and destinations, you can have the trigs on the cv track, but they’ll look for ‘commands’ on other tracks - the cv track can still fire through different outputs by using LFO, you can also do it by disarming A whilst u arm B on each successive trig … so for Trig 1, CVA src is CV, CVB src is FX(empty) for Trig 2 CVA src is FX , CVB src is CV and so on, so you can mult or mono to your heart’s content with plocks !

I think this merits a Feature Request

Have OFF as a SRC option for all CV destinations, so the above can be easily achieved whilst still allowing for trigs on FX track

@OP If you used Value lin instead of gate you could do it all from the CV track by plocking the voltages to zero when you want them off

Well, I agree… that sounds like a feature request in the making! Seeing as we now have polyphony on the synth tracks 'n’all :slight_smile: Hey! Elektron!

Nice tip about using the Value Lin, Avantronica…