The Cassette thread

I feel you. I do my graphic design work on my computer which is on the same table as my synths. So it doesn’t require any firing up for me. And nowadays my ”DAW” seems to be the MPC Live and sometimes it’s computer counterpart, the MPC software.

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I just saw this plugin today. How do you think the emulation compares to real tape recording? I was thinking of throwing it on to either the master to add some movement to tracks or on my Machinedrum or Digitone tracks to add some analog / saturated flavor. Take off some of that digital bite. Thoughts?


Yo @Cepheid it should have a test run period, right?
If so, run your track through it and then send me your track to run it through cassette. Post all results on this ‘ere thread for one and all to check. I think I’ll also do a couple more runs and pop it through my Heat, and onto Satin. Loving that plugin more than Waves and their J37 offering (more warmth there)


I haven’t had time to compare it to my cassette players.

From what I remember, it sounds very authentic, but going overboard with the amount of warble & hiss is very tempting. I’m not sure how good it is at all the subtleties of tape saturation etc. I guess I’ll be mostly using it as a special effect with all the knobs turned to eleven. Really happy to have those completely destroyed tape -fx without actually destroying any real tapes.


Ooooo now this does sound interesting! I love the dials turned to 11 on tape plugins for FX too!

I’ve got one of these bad boys sitting in storage, waiting for me to set my studio back up. I use to record tape loops with it from my MPC or Nord Modular live, and do tape manipulations and record that to be edited later.

Can’t wait to set this up with the Octatrack and see what kind of mayhem I can make…

I’d love to get a multitrack to do ambient drones and that sort of stuff, but the market for those has really gotten pretty nuts, at least where I am.


Anyone know any particular 4 tracks that have speed control? Doesn’t even need to be a 4 track really actually. I know one of the Tascams does but not sure which one. Just busted my cassette player trying to mod it. Looking to record some tape loops, track some beats and use it as a bit of an instrument, hopefully on the cheap

Varispeed, or different fixed speeds? My Tascam 424 Mk2 has both features.

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Good to see an old friend!

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Almost sold it,… to help fund a first euro case. But I changed my mind in time.

I remember you selling it because of little use and to get more funds for modules.

Still, this one is in really great shape.


Yeah man I regret selling haha and I’m rocking a 414 now:))

I can help with the case thought. I’ll send you an PM

Just started running my DT/DN through a mixer into the Onkyo dual cassette recorder I snagged at Goodwill for $10.
It sounds really good.


Either or, that answers it for me. Cheers

There’s a few decks for sale near me:
Technics rs616 and 671
Akai gx r55
Any opinions on these?

Look what you made me do.


I bought a Tascam 414 the other day, I’d like something to be able to play regular cassettes on too though, something small in the form factor of the Marantz CP/DP’s would be ideal but they’re pricey, can anyone recommend any similar that are decent quality?

you can play and record Type I cassetes with the 414. what’s the problem?


Yeah, if you’re worried about soot, just clean the head a little more often.

Tascam can’t really playback a regular prerecorded tape, because of tape speed, and the way the tracks are laid out.

The Marantz 430 do have a smaller sibling, the 230. It only has two heads, but apart from that has the same drive mechanism. They can be found for around €100 or less.



I looked into the Marantz 230, it says it’s a mono recorder as opposed to the 430 being stereo. Does that mean it will play cassettes in mono too?