The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

So I just posted Behringer is slashing prices of these two by $210 to $600 USD !

A bunch of other Behringer had their prices reduced too.

No word that i’ve seen yet on the rest of the GIP, but i think price reduction is possible there too. Maybe the MS-5 ? So much for inflation, at least for Behringer.

ADDED : This also would be indirectly a statement on the availability on the rest of the GIP over the coming year or so.


WHERE IS MY BEHRINGER OSCAR??? I demand my behringer oscar.


Seems like they’re just trying to clear our things that haven’t been selling well.

I got the Monopoly for about 400 € last year

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Wasn’t this one of the very first clones they announced?

How long ago was it that behringer released a new product?
Was the latest TD-3 MO?

This makes me SO happy. I hope this gives them an edge over companies that forever seem to be raising prices cough cough.

Prob the Bi Phase pedal

Any news on the vcs3 or ideas when we might see it?


@jukka might have an idea. Did they announce they were going into production with it? Or was it put out there for comment etc?

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The big one or the little one ?

I assume you mean the big one. Last response that i could find from them on the Behringer Facebook page, was six months back saying it’s still in process. I believe it is through beta testing.

The little one, called the AKS Mini was shown by Behringer as a built prototype in January of this year, with a release date of this summer. ( IBIWISI ) It’s still to be $100 and is a Volca kind of size, with an good set of features.

You can see a rendered image of that in this thread.


I’ll Believe It When I See It.


Thanks for the help guys. Super excited for the big one. I’ve always wanted to play one and they’re such a hard synth to come by, also obviously no chance of buying an old one.


Get a Mk1 Syntrx while they are still cheap. Behringer will never ship their VCS3 clone.

Why not a mkII? Because the mkI is closer to the original?

Mk1 is slightly less expensive new and much less expensive used. Often when a product has been discontinued but there is still inventory left great deals can be found. This is exactly how people got new MNMs for $800 in 2016.

Neither Syntrx will sound like a Synthi, if you want the Synthi sound there are a number of good VSTs.


In my country, the MKII is less expensive than the new MKI, and includes a sequencer,
I don’t see too many used MKIs.
What I’d like is a second-hand MKII that’s not expensive at all… :upside_down_face:

I imagine that B will release his “VCS3”, but knowing when,
or, how many copies and at what price is a matter of clairvoyance.


Behringer is killing me. I like their Mu-Tron clones, so these will be kind of a no-brainer for me (at least the filter, delay, and maybe the ring mod, which was also recently announced).


So I had a Crave for a little while and that firmly reminded me that I do not need to get into even semi modular, but big thanks to them for putting out this kind of stuff for relatively cheap.

If they finish this Jupiter clone I’ll have to bite again.

Polyeight Latest picture.

Plus there is a video of a Polish ?beta-tester? playing a Behringer Solina on Behringer’s Facebook page.


Any news on the Syncussion? That’s basically the only thing I’m really geeking for.

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