That Syntakt Sound

I feel like the sound in ST is more defined, more punchy than in previous boxes.
You may not like everything, but even if you like only half the sound engine you can bring them pretty far with two LFOs, different amp envelopes and various filters.
I dig the synthesis on this machine.
It’s IMO the right balance between simple and deep enough.


One of the things that pissed me off about the AR was how difficult it was to layer tracks without things getting muddy.

No such problems with Syntakt, and not just because of the extra filters on the digital tracks, it just feels a lot crisper and more precise, especially in the low end.


Bit like when the Digitakt came out and there were threads about the “hi fidelity” sound it had, with a bit more high-mid presence.

Syntakt seems to bring that to synthesized drums, digital and analog, instead of samples. So it’s familiar, yet evolved.

The flexibility of the FX block filter makes a huge difference. Hitting that drive hard and then using HPF around 50hz for more low end bump… phewww. :heat: Best of both worlds. Hifi+gnarly.

Like others, I wish it had a compressor, but it would have to be in addition, as I’m not sure I’d trade that fx block for a compressor. Because I can easily add a compressor, but cannot easily add the magic of that analog FX block. For now, plugins, or MicroLiomiter, or OT thru track compression get the job done nicely.


Yeah, I can live without a compressor.

I mean, I use so much distortion most of the time I’m basically compressing it anyway.


gnarly! get well! I’ve got currently three painkillers prescribed because I hurt my leg real bad. Let’s make the others feel our pain through music :rofl: :crazy_face: :angry:




We should be friends


Inspired equally by our massive Eurovision success and the encroaching arthritis in every part of my body, here’s something close to a full track (I mean, it’s 4 bars, which by my standards is basically a full opera) that I think captures the joy of degrading health.


With all the stuff they’ve already crammed in there from all the digital and analog machines and what not, I seriously doubt they’d have enough room for even a simple sampler on one track. Something like that would have been done from the beginning I would think.


kind of skimmed over this, but man, this would be a fucking dream request. i’m gonna suggest this in the syntakt feature request thread, just as a matter of record

a waveguide resonator for melodic and drum synthesis

someone did suggest a mutable elements type of thing already i think, but even the seemingly more simple volca drum implementation would be so awesome


Well, Elektron have surprised us before so you never know!

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Wicked. Something about your tracks make me imagine a scene in a movie where there’s a warehouse full of bad bastards and I go in with a Minigun and absolutely tear the place to shreds :joy:


We should be friends.


Has anyone posted this in one of these syntakt threads? It’s incredible


Wow :hushed:

The other one on his page is dope as well. Sounds like I made a good choice placing my order.

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Anybody run external gear through fx block? How is it? Haven’t got my syntakt yet.

Like everything else with the Syntakt - instant gratification :slight_smile:

Needs dual mono update tho.

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Here are my “trademark sound” volca drum hihats:

(Please don’t mind the sloppy and non-creative finger playing :slight_smile: ) Ring modulated Saw waves, modulated noise and then into the ‘waveguide’ string resonator. Even though there is noise included in the source sound, the resonater effectively turns everything into a ringy, bell-like quality.

And those hihats sound creamy and not grating, somewhat realistic but clearly synthetic. Alive, contrary to one-shot samples. And they sound great in a dense industrial mix.

I spend a lot of time yesterday getting something similar out of the Syntakt. I’ve come nearer, but nothing is as satisfying (for my taste) as those.

I have the Volca Drum - with six hihat flavours and nothing else programmed - connected to my Circuit Tracks Midi 2 Track, and control them just from there. I’d love to switch to the Syntakt for the hihats, but so far I’m afraid I have to keep this workflow (which is a nice workflow - but gosh I always want to get as much as possible out of as few as possible machines :stuck_out_tongue: )

Edit: I really enjoyed your creative and creatively perfomed hihat findings! @Encephalitislerthargi


I adore the Volca Drum, won’t get too off-topic here but seriously overlooked wee machine.
I like this idea of 6x hihats! Have made similar ‘kits’ but melodic.


There are hihat-only modules for eurorack that cost twice or more than a volca drum … and still don’t sound like that!


I think the analog cymbal can go pretty close, e.g. with D setting and some good “WASH” + tiny decay…