That Syntakt Sound

Me saying that comparing sounds that haven’t much been used or presented in the context of other gear is a dig?


Well I meant no disrespect. I meant to give perspective. There’s a bit in the guidelines about “adding to the conversation.” That was my intent.


right on man. appreciate that.

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Overbridge lad

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That sounds fucking solid.

But it also illustrates an important point: The material you’ve released with various Elektron devices, Nords, Rolands etc sounds like YOU. Whether it’s with a ton of kit or just a Model:Cycles.
That’s what it means to really learn the inner workings of instruments and exploit their strengths to get one’s unique sound and vision across.

Listen to Ylva, R Beny, Blush Response, Jogging House, hell even Fin25’s stuff… they sound like them no matter what they’re using, despite the “sound” that their machines are known for.

Sorry, tangental rant over.


I can hear you, you know


“Even Fin25” :sunglasses:


To me, the key is to plock one or several parameters, of course decay but also some that impacts the color. Once you have a groove from your hats, they sound kind of different, especially in the mix.


Damn, where’s that “everybody but Fin25” filter?

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Ask my wife.




This thing’s been out what, a week or so? Give it a minute.


Ok it’s been 1 minute.


I think it sounds great. As stated before, Machinedrum has a sound too, as does many other intruments including guitars and harps. I ended up getting a Model:Cycles because of the Syntakt. The rationalising behind that is… yeah. Actually who cares? Why am I even writing this? Does it even make any difference? Has the internet taught us that opinions are important? Do I have any more questions? No?


First clip on this post is really great, and to me doesn’t sound defined by the machine…

Hi Hats.
I make percussive techno, so Hihats are insanely important for me.
I can understand why people don’t like the sound of the hat machines on the St, but…
you can always layer multiple tracks… imagine layering 3 tracks, that would give you one track for a short transient, one for a sweep and one for noise. With a total of 6 lfos, and those can go into audio rate.

I think it’s kinda insane how good the hat can sound on this thing


Yeah, I struggled with hats on the M:C and the AR, but layering and LFOs make it much easier to get good hats going on ST.

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I really love what they’ve done with this as an instrument, but after watching just about every video of it on YouTube, it’s hard for me not to be disappointed in the overall character of its sound, at least when used for dance music and hiphop. This is entirely a matter of taste, and I do feel that its feature set justifies its price, but it’s just too murky for me as far as making percussion-driven music goes. It’s obviously making a lot of producers happy though, and I’m glad.

However, the videos I’ve seen of it being used as an ambient/drone box have been very impressive. To my ears it sounds fantastic when transient-elements aren’t needed. I could easily see myself using this as an all-in-one jamming/ideation tool for beatless or near-beatless music if I had a little more disposable income.


i must have bad ears. sounds amazing to me. i have one and it’s hard to make it sound bad. i guess ignorance is bliss.


Guaranteed to make a hit!

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Instruments aren’t going to be creative for you. Put the work in.