That Syntakt Sound

acid core … got carried away :wink:


Nice work, love the VHS cassette sounds. Very 80s, the good side of the 80s that is!

new school hardcore kicks & hoover unlocked


At first I thought the Syntakts digital machines were too simplistic, now I know better. This thing can make so much with just a few tracks…


Cool sounds!

same “i put a hm-2 pedal into my syntakt” kick

Edit - Full track:



Perfect :ok_man:

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Trying to replicate a modular sound with a bit of Buchla.


fucking hell that’s awesome!


Two months later now, but in case anyone wanted to see the video recording of the above jam in question, here’s a link. (Between jobs and family duties, I never seem to find the time to actually upload stuff on YouTube.)


Do you compose the song structure on the Syntakt itself, or do you come up with the melody on another instrument first, then bring it to Syntakt when you’re ready to do sound design and put pieces together?

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For the first time in my life, I’m trying to create some industrial on my Syntakt (and Analog Heat +FX for mastering) :factory::building_construction::man_factory_worker: I’m still fascinated by the wide range of sounds this device can produce.


I do the entire composition with the Syntakt in my lap with nothing plugged into it other than headphones. It’s become second nature for me now. When I owned a Digitone a few years back, I remember missing the keyboard and even bought a Keystep 37 to plug in so I could play things more freely, but I’ve learned that I don’t need that at all on the Syntakt. the folder keyboard with two octaves is more than enough for my quick noodling needs.

Sound design happens in parallel with sketching out the song. I often start with something that in retrospect sounds pretty awful, but then as things progress I polish things here and there and typically there’s a sudden “spark” that fires and I’m starting to feel like it has potential to become something I actually like. For fun, I always keep those really awful initial patterns because it’s a good reminder for myself of how my creative process always works: start with something really bad, push through until something happens that makes it sound less bad, and then build on the good part and clean out the trash. (Embarrassingly, those “ugly patterns” are still in the project files on my Patreon.)


That’s quite inspirational, thank you!


Here one week with the Syntakt, first track with the push 3 and some ableton stock devices

This is sick! I like it when you listen to something and think to yourself “there’s no way that I would have thought this was the Syntakt if I wasn’t told it was”.

Here’s another attempt at making the Syntakt sound dirty.


Absolutely loved that


There’s an old joke:

A little girl is walking her dog and a grown-up sees the cute pair and asks the little girl in a soft, kind voice, “What’s your doggy’s name?”

In a quiet, coy, childish voice, she shyly replies “It’s Porky”.

The grown-up softly replies, "‘Porky’? That’s an odd name for a doggy. Why is he named ‘Porky’?

And the little girl screams, “BECAUSE IT FUCKS PIGS”.

The Syntakt is that little girl.


I… ehh… yeah, that’s an interesting story :flushed: But I agree, it can sound really aggressive. I remember being even more impressed with the Model:Cycles when it came out because it looks even more cute and unassuming but can produce really dirty tones :poop:

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