
You know the drill - amusing toy or essential tool? I’ve read the manual, my only question is whether later OS versions let you edit the scales in any way, as I like a non-standard one (C Db E F G Ab Bb).

You can have a user scale on the iOS version, so I assume you can on the real thing.

I was very close to splashing out for one when it popped up on the local “craigslist” over here at half the price of a new one, but kind of glad I didn’t. How do you guys use it? Is it more like a toy, or have you actually created some good sequences/songs with it?

I had one, really enjoyed it though I found at I hammered it initially and then didn’t use it as much. It has so every fun sequencer tricks though, I don’t think user defined scales are on the hardware os I used. Its very fun for live performing, the internal sounds are mostly a bit crap, though the sample slots can be fun for unpitched stuff. It’s worth a look if it can be had cheap enough.

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like andy says, i hammered mine too on the iphone when i got it but haven’t really bothered with it since, even though i now have an ipad that makes it much more user friendly.

I only have the ipad version, it’s really quick for sketching ideas, however the default sounds didn’t do it for me.

Tool, dunno about essential though, fun and hands on, lots of marimba type sounds and general midi staples, but lurking in there are some very nice pads and a few interesting synth sounds, the sequencers are interesting and very playable, but the smallish size of the device make it a little fiddly at times, but it is great for coming up with new ideas, so for example sample it or use it to play midi data into another sequencer etc.

You get one user scale, but it can be changed at any time.

I like it a lot for iPad. It’s one of the few apps (for me) where lack of tactile feedback is no issue. When iConnect MIDI 4+ is out (wheeeeeen!!!:sob:) It’s gonna be a joygasm. But honestly I only really care about bounce mode and record the MIDI into my MPC. It’s like a big sequencable X/Y pad, if very low res. If you’re into any MIDI note to CC remappery nerditude, you’re gonna have a good time. :slight_smile:

I’ve thought about the hardware, but the stand alone aspect isn’t a draw, as far as I know it’s dead in terms of updates/support and I’d rather spend use my money to show yamaha there’s a market. I want more of their stuff ported! VL1, EX5, A-series sampler effects, etc.


^ ha, that was my post on AH:joy:

had it for aver 2 years…
Counld found a way to integrate-it in my setup…

As a standalone music gear, its a pretty amazing machine… The audio engine is a bit flat IMHO… When playing with userwave, its more fun… Well to me…

The only thing I had fun in a setup, is to use to non-conventional midi sequencer like the bounce for example…

But Had to buy an A4, and my tenori was sold for that…

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I couldn’t find a thread specifically for this. Way before I had any interest or awareness of synths and drum machines, I remember seeing a video of this and being totally blown away by how futuristic and cool it seemed.

I tried one for the first time yesterday and I’m so charmed by it! Even after all this time with things like the deluge and other grooveboxes, I think this has a unique quality to it. I had a groove going on it that sounded really good with some delay and reverb.

I sequenced an Implexus with the bounces and random modes and it was really fun.

Anyone else have anything to say about these? I suggested in the deluge thread that they figure out a way to incorporate bounce and random mode, it’s so fun!



Looks pretty cool for 2008, never had an opportunity to play with one but now I’m curious enough to at least watch a demo, thanks!


Toshio Iwai was the mind behind it, he also made the strange electro plankton, interactive art/music software on the nintendo DS and has made some other games and interactive art/sound exhibits for museums.

You can see a lot of similar ideas in electro plankton with physics based trigger events and things of that nature


I still dream of doing a hack to allow custom sounds into SimTunes, a very early Toshio Iwai creation. But I don’t have quite the skill or the free time :laughing:


It featured in Bill Bailey’s musical stand-up comedy show for a while. I suspect he helped sell a few!

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Finally some software that takes advantage of having Bugz :slight_smile:

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Back in the era when every controller that came out was just a bunch of color changing buttons with no labels. “Choose your own MIDI adventure”

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I immediately bought one when it was launched in 2007 in the UK. IIRC, it only launched in a couple of countries at first and then globally in 2008.

I loved the capabilities and the design, and still have it. I found it to be inspiring. You would get a decent result really quickly and it was easy to interact with. I loaded 909 samples on it and was taking it everywhere with me when travelling :).
The main downside is that you can’t export anything.

I think you can achieve similar results today with grooveboxes such as the Deluge and Play+, minus the visual effects.

One of the best Four Tet tracks of all time was conceived on the Tenori On.


Is this just a trick of the camera or some photoshop? This would be a dope lighting scheme.