Tempest? Deepmind? Other?!

The Virus TI doesn’t feel like a VSTi at all. I also quite liked the Nord Lead A1, the immediacy of having dedicated part buttons was nice, but the effects on the TI are just loads better, and you have way more control over the synthesis than on the A1. Demoed a NL4 and didn’t like it much.

I also run my Virus through a Strymon Deco when I want to dirty it up a bit and make it feel more analog. But it does sound pretty great on it’s own, even the way the controls respond feels better than tweaking a VST.

Combined wtih the Nord Drum 3p, it’s a really great parining, and I’m hoping that adding the MPC Live will make it a fun little jam setup. Not quite as immediate as the Tempest but hopefully less annoying than the Octatrack. (I still may use it as a mixer/looper/FX box/remixer, haven’t decided yet.)

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Cheers for the write up. Think those tempest thoughts are being put to bed now. The missus will be pleased!

Will do some more DM12 research this weekend. I’m not mad about the sequencer on the AK and I dunno why! I prefer to largely work ITB and to tinker/play with hardware - the AK isn’t that fun to me as a poly. 4 voices is a little too restrictive.

I’m not crazy on drum synthesis (don’t ask “why tempest/Rytm” haha) but maybe something inexpensive like a drumbrute could be fun down the line. Don’t want to over complicate though. Will look again at the Nord/access though. Maybe fully ITB is my future?!

Sake, it’s like Pandora’s box when you start thinking about set ups…

I haven’t had my MD Uw that long and I’m still learning it but I absolutely love the thing! I guess it depends on what you’re looking for / sounds etc. but it feels like such a complete machine.

Definitely worth a consideration!

I have got it a year ago, and honeymoon is not over :cupid: :elmd:

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Same as above comments re A4/AK. I love mine but it’s way less fun to dial stuff in than my Dom1. And it does some great poly sounds, but can also feel limited for voices there, depending what you’re trying to do at the time. Amazing synth tho, super deep/varied!

Deepmind looks a good option. Or 8-voice Parva maybe? Haven’t kept up with progress there but liked some sounds I heard from the early demos. Looks kinda similar to AK for programming ui tho?

Some reason I quite like look/sound of minilogue, as a cheaper option, but only 4 voices like AK so… OB-6 is the one, but ££££ :frowning:

Good luck, hope you’re happy with whatever you grab.

I really rally gas for an OB6 - badly!! Has anyone here had a hands on with the Deepmind? It looks really cool aswell. Tempest and DM12 would be a great combo i reckon. As would the AR with it.were lucky!!

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I came very close to backing the Parva on Kickstarter. Seemed my perfrect synth back at the time and I still owned an OT then too - Parva + OT = huge potential in my mind. Kinda glad I held off - seems to have been some teething problems which are entirely understandable considering the set up and the O/S is developing slower than I would have liked (but again, understandable). There’s also the price once you factor in VAT and potential import duties/postage/etc. I think I’ll add it to the list to consider though.

And yeah, the DSI “top of the rangers” are like a holy grail. If I hadn’t moved house last Summer and mortgaged myself up to my eyeballs it would be a contender! But I’ve got to roughly keep to within the value of my AR/AK. DM12 + Live (for example) fits that bracket.

A DM12 + A4 would be a cool combo too haha. Seriously spoiled for choice out there! And it only gets worse - especially now with Behringer potentially releasing heaps of budget synths over time.

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Silver for ever :cupid:


Silver = Gold


I used to own a MnM. Had a lot of fun with it but it came during my often mentioned “buying too much shit and getting anti GAS guilt” period so I flogged it along with everything else. Trying to be much more careful with my purchases now.

To be honest, OB has kind of spoiled me to the point that even things like audio over USB is borderline essential these days. I know the likes of the DM12 doesn’t have that but it makes my life so much easier - though I do think it discourages me a little from properly learning my Elektron stuff.

I was watching Cenk’s AK tutorials today and really enjoyed them. You know something, I’ve not even properly tried using the sound pools and p locks to do a beat on one track before! So while I’m watching youtube vids for hours I think I might crack on with the AK and try and force myself to learn some tricks

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