Teenage Engineering OP-1

One of my favs about op-1 is the ability to run the tape and sequencer completely independent from each other.
Also tape tricks, nitro, cwo, endless sequencer, finger seqs, album, instant sampling, synths are cool.
I rarely worry about sending/receiving sync to/from op-1 just record it all live unquantized.
I have no clue what my battery reads and don’t care, still get 10-14 hours on a full charge.
Try to calibrate it every 6 months or so whatever.


Definitely @Leo-iSL .

@FlexMundo using the tape as a DAW time line wasnt so effective for me either. The combo of fast sampler, creative tape looper and master 2track LP tape make for some awesome creative jams that can then be fed into an OT. Plus the sequencers are amazing as are the wacky mod possibilities on the synths.
I generally ignore midi sync and and just live record sync when combining machines.

With my battery I like to charge with it switched on (via a laptop) and it works better for me than switched off.


I always let the op-1 battery go completely empty, leave the switch in the on position, plug it into a socket with an iPhone charger and it’s fully charged in about 3.5 hours. I created a patch using Dr Wave and let the endless sequencer run with only a few notes on the lowest tempo as a screen saver. Never had problems with the battery indicator this way and I get at least 16 hours of use out of it.
I hope I’ll still get a few years of use out of it, but I think the 700€ I spent on it 2.5 years ago were already more than worth it for the fun I had with the op-1.


Fantastic idea.

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Some interesting apps for OP-1. I need to look more into the Ableton Live compatibility requirements if i go with the M4L version of OP-1 Compozer, as the version I have is maybe 2 versions out of date, and I’m running on an older Mac OS version as well.

This is why I bought one again this year after selling my first one in 2016. It notoriously doesn’t play well with others (though the RK-006 changed that for me), I can’t seem to learn how to seamlessly use the tape to record loops live, and the storage is weird and kinda un-user-friendly… but it’s one of the few synths I can just sit with and be happy playing a single voice arpeggio through an effect (usually CWO or delay) for hours.


Just to check, I’ve read that the op-1 synths / tape tracks etc are mono, are the effects also mono or stereo eg CWO, cheers

The effects for the synth/drum/input are mono. However, there is also a global effect section, containing the same effects, but in stereo.


Ok thanks, so if I’m using this just as a synth only and not using the tape and sequencing it externally say from an iPad, I could put say the filter effect on the synth part and then add a global effect on top say CWO for example ?



Thanks for that :+1:

yeah, same here.

Not the synth I use the most but everytime I fire it up, it is hard to put down for hours.

It still is so fun.

I am curious, how do you use the RK-006 with it ?

I’ve tried it in a couple of different configurations so far. Latest was with OP-1 as sync host, and using the arp to sequence my SH01A (in this video). But I’ve also used it with the OP-1 acting just as a sound module, receiving only notes. The RK-006 can filter out parts of the signal (e.g. clock), so I can send and receive as much data to/from the OP-1 as I want.

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I like to sync it with the OP-Z. One usb cable between the two, and get rock-solid sync. You can also sequence the OP-1 with the OP-Z, use the OP-1 keyboard to play the OP-Z, and so on.


Made some dusty lofi idm on the OP-1 at -12 semitones tape speed again. Using a splitted audio signal (2 tracks left and 2 tracks right) thru the Organelle which is running Dust/Clouds on the left input and Buffer/delay and a bit of reverb on the right input. Acompanied with some nostalgic video. The OP-1 remains such a characterful machine… I still love it :slight_smile:


Sorry if these things have already been discussed but I was thinking of reacquiring an OP-1 as a mini controller for Bitwig, as well as using the synth engines for certain duties as I really miss some of them - plus my gf wants to play with the OP-1 as she’s very visually based and wants a fun way to learn about production, synthesis, sequencers, etc. So…

  1. Is the only difference between Rev1 and Rev2 the screen? It’s brighter and sharper from what I can tell. Any other downsides to getting a Rev1? Also, I saw some mentions about Rev3 online but I think that was pure confusion around the time of the Rev2 launch, right?

  2. Can the sequencers output midi over USB? I’m particularly interested in outputting the midi note data coming from the Tombola sequencer.

Thanks in advance!

No there is a rev3. I had a rev2 that had a different screen and rev3 was the latest version with a few changes including yet another screen update. It’s all heresay afaik but that’s what I’ve heard from op forums. I didn’t follow it too closely

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Ok so this is from TE in Feb 2019:
A representative from Teenage Engineering had this to say:

“We have had to face other costs than the actual components’ costs of course. The currency conversion, inflation, sourcing of the new component, re-coding the display, re-designing the mounting, new tools etc. are just a few of the “why”. When Teenage Engineering faced the reality of the OP-1’s future, there were only 2 choices: kill or save. We decided to save it. I understand that the new price is a disappointment to many of our fans. But I do hope some are happy that we did not kill it.”

Mine was a revision 2 bought in late 2017. You can tell the revision 2 because it had different logos on the back. So if mine was revision 2 then the re-release in 2019 must of been revision 3 :exploding_head:


Awesome. Thanks for the detailed responses :slight_smile: I don’t suppose you know the answer to the second question, do you? It’s not a biggy if the sequencers only work with the internal sounds, but it would be awesome if the resulting midi could be used elsewhere.

Don’t worry, I found the answer to my midi sequencing question. How awesome is this!

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