Forever 89 Visco : Teenage Engineering meets Ableton?

Couldn’t help but think of Forever 21 when I read the name of this new venture.


It’s shit-losing time.

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I suspect you’re not the only one. When you put it like that it doesn’t sound fun to be honest. Sounds like a funeral service company. :thinking:


Maybe an Apple Vision Pro music app ?

They’ve got a FastSprings e-commerce plugin all setup and ready to go on this Wordpress based website; so I’d bet on a desktop app/vst plugin too alongside an iOS/iPad app.

When it’s TE, the app will be reeeaaaly tiny :crazy_face:


the video says " push pull explore", I think that means sample warp capability… god I hope so

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Looks like you might modify that ball of putty in the grid with the tools on the left, I guess the hand tool there is to push/pull, pencil to draw more putty etc…


the top slider makes it seem like you can blend or morph between two sounds or samples…

I’m guessing this app will end up on that Apple AR spatial computing platform and similar devices… or maybe just stay a standard VST.

yep, iPad interface

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Ugly. Looks like a mock-up. Knobs on the right seem like they’re copy pasted from Pigments :smiley:

The blurb

Construct beats where your samples can be reshaped in real-time or merge the qualities of two sounds into something unique. A001 is a new kind of drum machine that makes sound design a playful experience.

Seems like its going to be a bit like Zynaptiq Morph but for 8 drum sounds and hopefully a better audio quality - looks interesting!

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Zbrush for audio?


As the parent of two daughters, I have endured so much miserable music in Forever 21, whatever this is, it can’t help but be loads better


Forever 89?

May we all be this healthy and active as we enter our ninth decade.


Windows Defender is refusing to download the installer…

I downloaded and in stalled it (could just say install anyway)

Those demos on the page are very interesting, definitely sounds like much better executed version of zynaptiqs morphs. Excited to give this a try.

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