Forever 89 Visco : Teenage Engineering meets Ableton?

Windows Defender is refusing to download the installer…

I downloaded and in stalled it (could just say install anyway)

Those demos on the page are very interesting, definitely sounds like much better executed version of zynaptiqs morphs. Excited to give this a try.

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Full featured demo seems generous with the occasional nag screen. Had a quick go and initial impressions favourable, no resizable gui though. Transforming between sounds is cool.

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I spent ages looking for how to resize the GUI! Surely not in 2024 for an innovate new product!
Not sure I like the look of it much, the ‘blobs’ seem out of place and the controls are small (see above!) but it is defiantly interesting. The sequencers is still very limited (as in number of steps etc) but I guess it is something they can build from. I don’t think I would buy it as it is, but I will keep an eye on it.

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Wait does Nick have another side job we didn’t knew about? :rofl:


At least its a plugin company and not the DDR appreciation society the name might imply.


I put the latest build on Dropbox. Does this work for you? Dropbox - Windows - Simplify your life


Good points, all of them, it’s just tough to cover all bases with only two people. Feel free to send more suggestions though, and we’ll do what we can with time :slight_smile:


Thank you!
I’m sure it’s a false positive.

Really cool plugin, I like the sound of it a lot. Kind of reminds me of Xfer Nerve a bit. I’d love if the sequencer eventually added p-lock style parameter sequencing, would make this thing very cool.


Thanks, I’ll look into it!

Yes, would love that too! We’re currently observing user reactions to see how we best can develop Visco moving forward, so very happy to hear any suggestions!


It’s a great plugin, has a pretty distinct character that I think will find its way onto a lot of my tracks. One of the only other features besides p-locks I’d like to see is the ability to drag one shot samples out of the plugin similar to serum, eliminating the need to resample. If you ever do integrate p-locking, I also wouldn’t mind seeing a synthesis based drum machine from you guys sometime in the future using a similar UI philosophy, or maybe even integrating some synthesis features to use alongside the sample engine. I realize that’s a lofty request, but one can dream :wink:


We talked about bouncing one-shots but decided it was out of scope for 1.0. Still in the backlog, though :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, Visco is a resynthesize engine; everything you see and hear is synthesis. When you import your samples, we analyze them at sub-millisecond speed so the transition will be seamless. A sound takes 1 kb, and a preset with up to 16 sounds is usually around 20 kb or so. I usually can’t hear any difference between the source material and the Visco version.

That being said, I guess we could display more of the parameters behind the synthesis model too, but I also want to ensure we’re at the right level of parameter exposure here. It’s a tricky balance!


Btw, another feature we’re not really talking about is that you can load your own shaders into Visco. There are two very different examples in the themes section, and I hope we get to see some action from the community soon here too

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Am I missing it, or is there no choke?

Congrats on the release @rikard!

Was wondering, is there an option in the works that disables the pretty visuals to reduce performance impact? A minimal/functionality only option?

I love the visuals, but at the end of the day it’s all about audio and keeping my big project running as smooth as possible while mixing.

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No choke yet, it’s in the backlog though


Thank you!

I hear you. We did some initial testing and the graphics barely affected the CPU at all, but I’ll bring it up to Svante as a feature request!