Teenage Engineering are co-founders of Nothing

A type of nihilism that doesn’t do it for me anymore. However cool it is to be “meh”, I value more and more those who stand for something. Sorry for being serious instead of “meh” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It has become somewhat of a cliche, and more than a bit naff - still I look forward to the bluetooth coasters made from 97.2% ethically sourced recycled dolphin nipples.



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TE definitely are on a trip.

Now, SCD…Sinevibes just announced Albedo, a granular reverb for the Korg NTS and *logues.

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Nathan Barley.
Foretold the prophecy of the Rise of the Idiots.


It’s a “look at this cool thing we made, but you can’t have, because it will never be for sale, it is just a prototype, but we show it anyway because, no reason”

Reminds me a bit of something Elon Musk said about concept cars, that car makers show great looking vehicles then produce much watered down less interesting versions, his view was make the concept a reality or don’t bother showing it.


Pretty sure that was from Steve Jobs originally:

Ask Apple CEO Steve Jobs about it, and he’ll tell you an instructive little story. Call it the Parable of the Concept Car. “Here’s what you find at a lot of companies,” he says, kicking back in a conference room at Apple’s gleaming white Silicon Valley headquarters, which looks something like a cross between an Ivy League university and an iPod. “You know how you see a show car, and it’s really cool, and then four years later you see the production car, and it sucks? And you go, What happened? They had it! They had it in the palm of their hands! They grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory!

“What happened was, the designers came up with this really great idea. Then they take it to the engineers, and the engineers go, ‘Nah, we can’t do that. That’s impossible.’ And so it gets a lot worse. Then they take it to the manufacturing people, and they go, ‘We can’t build that!’ And it gets a lot worse.”


As a native English speaker, it makes absolutely no sense to me neither. Maybe TE have set their sights on redesigning the English language.

maybe that hints to what the new product/s will be? :thinking:

The company name seems so perfectly fitting. While I kind of like the OP-1/OP-Z I absolutely don‘t like TE as a company and I have a feeling that their new venture won‘t be any different.


Damn what an arrogant video, sorry TE but … zum :face_vomiting:


He was talking about the video itself, saying he thought they must have enough cuts of them talking and saying different things that they could splice together a decent video.


It’s best to watch that TE youtube video, listen carefully to the dialogue and also have this image in front of you whilst forming an opinion

‘exciting year of products’
‘we’ve been really busy’
‘large engineering focus’


The OP1 was a cool product - if nothing else for the form factor - but TE’s been style over substance for a long time now, not interested in giving them my money at all.


I just hope they don’t drown after drinking so much of their own bathwater.

I’m annoyed because there is true genius in the OP1, quite nice gizmos in the POs and to be fair the OPZ … but the absolute waste of space of the rest of their output looks more like they are on a bad record deal pumping out musak to fulfill a productivity contract.

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This shit is way over my head. Hard pass.

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And yet every video I’ve ever seen of it is basically the same plinky plonky, twee, barrell of pseudo-video game yawnwave that was boring a decade ago.

No offence like, but I’ve never really seen what’s so great about it that they can charge workstation level prices for it.


I wouldn’t blame the shortcomings of the user on the tool they are using.

RMR and others have demonstrated OP1s usefulness in the right hands; though perhaps not a hard core technohead’s cup of tea.


It makes sense to me that a company would tune in to the fact that music-making electronics are a lifestyle consumer item, an identity-affirming item.

Once I realized how many dudes hoard incredibly expensive rigs at home without ever making music publicly, it hit me how much of a market this is for the manufacturers. Not only to please musicians, but also to fulfill a lifestyle for consumers who are hobbyists, both enjoying what they do and also building a sense of personal identity through collecting these objects.

It also makes sense to me that a design company would approach this from the ikea/apple minimalist hipster aesthetic rather than the typical masculinist nerd aesthetics, which come in different subgroups… guitar guys, modular guys, etc. This line is for the 032c guys maybe… the Acne guys…

No shade to anybody really. Aesthetics are important to me too, they inspire me and surrounding myself with machines does more than provide functionality to me. It makes me feel things emotionally because I identify with the machines, how they look, how they’re made, their ethos.

It’s just funny to me when people over-identify with their brands like this. And over-mystify them. It’s boring.

“Starting from the ground up - no plan…” doing things “nobody’s ever done before” … and then makes wireless earbuds? lol…


I can’t stand this company. I can’t tell if they’re pretentious, self-parody, or flat out trolls.