Tap tempo?

The manual states that in the settings>options>internal tempo you can tap tempo (by tapping yes) whilst the internal tempo is highlighted on the screen.

I cannot get this to work, it just focuses between the menu option of tap tempo and the bpm however many times i tap the yes button.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Does the manual mean that bpm is displayed on the screen outside of settings, and if so where, so i can tap itee tap the tempo?

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Not in front of the Heat right now. I read it like you - while in the menu, tap [Yes] at least four times. Let me try when I get home.

… [Added/edited from home]

Seems to not work as described in the manual. Kinda hoping for an implementation that wouldn’t make it necessary to dive into the Settings to tap tempo. :crying_cat_face:

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So it isn’t just me, how does one tap tempo on the AH?

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I’m hitting this limitation as well, is the manual wrong or is this feature broken?

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Doesn’t work for me either, hopefully it’s fixed soon!

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You can also use tap tempo. To tap a tempo setting, highlight INTERNAL TEMPO in the SETTINGS menu, and then press and hold the [SETTINGS] key and tap the [YES] key in a steady rhythm. The average tempo of the taps calculates after four consecutive taps. By continuing tapping, the average tempo keeps on updating.