Tap Tempo: am I so unable?

Help me guys,

I’m totally unable to Tap the tempo perfectly. I’m always out of tempo, even if the difference is not really important. But it sucks.

Do you have any tips to Tap the tempo correctly? Is taping four time enough?

Am I such a loser??? :zonked:

Do more than four. It needs a minimum of four but you should go beyond. Do it much more than that until you get good at it. Try tapping an looking away from that machine. Keep tapping until the value changes very little.

Close your eyes or look at a wall or something then open your ears.

I agree, only having four taps doesn’t really help.

What I do is tap on the case of the OT just below the tempo button for a bar then tap on the tempo button. Seems to help me get the rhythm down.

Can’t you just tap the tempo and then manually increase / decrease the tempo with the arrows?

If none of this works for you. Take drum lessons. :wink:

I do the tap below the button thing, the ticking sound helps dial it in, then you can keep tapping past 4 taps as long as you like, then after you get to say, 119.2, you can maybe assume its a common tempo like 120 and use the side to side arrows to dial it in. I also use that trick to speed up for a second to dial in the beat match.

For a brief period i had an electronic drum set and the key to keep a tight rhythm was to move my body. If you ever seen some mpc guy “feelin’ it” on a video you know what i mean! Your entire body will help you then.



yes :smiley: joking

turn on the metronome?

forgotten is there a quick way to turn on the metro?

very handy to check your loops vs octa tempo