Taiga from Pittsburgh Modular

Had the Taiga for 2 weeks now, the envelopes’ span is way to small. I don’t think this is adjustable via trimpot (or firmware ?). Need to check manual or thread on mdwglr.The lpg had me scratching my head for a bit but I realy like the sound. Maybe not ideal as stand alone, perhaps in a bigger system… better envelopes, vca, lfo,…And yes, a ciiiiid !

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It’s ridiculous really…

Not possible.

Maffez (what a legend) did a mod for it, and describes it on wigglers.
Not possible for me though.


Did a quick google search.


possible mods on

-ADSR 1 Timing Cap E6 4uF7
-ADSR 2 Timing Cap E7 4uF7
-Dynamics Timing Cap C113 1uF
-Preamp Gain R159 30K
-Max Delay Time R102 30K (panel PCB)
-LFO Range C144 22nF (panel PCB)
-LFO Range Long C143 2uF2 (panel PCB)

For now I use a Kenton Pro Solo mk3 and bitwig for ‘better’ envelopes.


I’l let a pro do some mods. Will try to document pre/post.

Link with more info on the mods and the function of the electronics.


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Really? That strikes me as odd. I have 3 Pittsburgh envelopes.
1 in the SV1, and 2x Envelope modules.
All three have a huge range, from ultra snap to super long. With the Envelope modules having lin,log and exp curves available.

I wonder why the Taiga envelopes aren’t so good?

Same complaints I have. It’s crazy how little range their is between stab level and seemingly fully open, and that’s before you even get a 1/4 of the way of the envelopes turn radius. I’ve been experimenting with patching and use the log amd Envelope 2 in conjunction to provide more manipulation, but on its own its a bizarre design choice for an otherwise fun and great sounding instrument. Also the delay could have a bit more gusto and the lfo is sadly basic, but if you’ve got other semi/modular, the extensive patch points provides remedies. I will say that the delay does sound nice fed into a tasty verb, as it doesn’t get in the way too much, but it would have been cool to get really crazy with it like you can on the Lyra or with the Rubberneck.
End of the day, I really enjoy it and can get a lot of unique sounds from it. I’ll have a look at those mods as they look to tackle most of my grivances.


Taiga Keys! Rearranged and improved Taiga, 37-key keyboard with channel aftertouch, with expansion slots for modules, neat idea!


This is a review, so Bo describes the parts of the TK, including some good musical examples, some criticism, ( and ads ). Twenty five minutes. Also he adds in some interesting modules. What to add opens some good customization questions.


No offense to Taiga but this reminds me of a Behringer Product in looks and application.

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Which opens up other comparison examples. Two immediately come to mind, the Moog Grandmother, and the PWM Malevolent, both also analog with semi-modular approaches. Also in the running as comparison, is the Elektron Analog Keys, though that isn’t really a semi-modular, and has more independence with its oscillators – it’s more about the look.


A bit of a Mashup between all of them.

This, and maybe the Moog Matriarch ?

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This sounds incredible.

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walkthrough with Richard…


Thanks, and I was going to mention in the deleted post (link to this wasn’t working right) that about 9 mins in he mentions the envelope knob actions have been adjusted in the Taiga Keyboard relative to the Taiga, based on feedback (uh, from users, not filters).


Yet Bo is still commenting negatively on this in his video. Bo definitely didn’t like the way those controls worked in the module.

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Jorb deserves more love on this forum, he always has well reasoned and comprehensive reviews.


To each their own. He’s by far my least favorite. I particularly don’t like how he puts down expensive synths simply because he can’t afford them.

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Hard for me to imagine someone having that thought, but truly to each their own!


I find the 24hp case a nice touch, actually.
Better than an empty space, and the kind of extension that let you add the little thing you find missing. Good call.


And this, without falling into the modular rabbit hole ( … or other jokes that I tell to myself )