Synthstorm Deluge or Digitakt?

I’d like to reopen this discussion. I am currently using DT/DN as Brain in my setup. DT for Samples and Tracks, sometimes for simple Sounds out of single-loop-samples, the DN for Sounds and both do handle external sound sources via Midi. As much as I like the power of the Sequencer, it takes me way too long to get Midi programmed.
I often need longer parts than 64 steps, so I need to scale it down. Have it scaled down, I need to use microsteps a lot. For perfekt playing I am a too bad keyboard-player, so I need to adjust Velocity and Timing for nearly every step (as I do microsteps, quantize is not really an option).
Currently I am often building my mainloop with my Circuit, because getting the sequencer to play what I want it to play takes so long, that I loose focus on my idea. So I sketch the idea with 2 synths and some live-playing and recording on my circuit, than transfering it over to my DN/DT combo.
It takes me way to much time fiddling around…
Yesterday a Deluge appeared in german ebay. Today it was shipped. I hope it is in as good conditions as the seller mentioned. I hope from the deluge, that I can sketch out ideas as fast as on the Circuit, than working on details, when the idea is done. As I won’t sell the DN/DT combo, I might still use some sequences on them, that the Deluge cannot handle.

…I think I was eyeing the same unit for a while there :grin: .

Anyway, what are your thoughts regarding the DT/DN combo and/versus the Deluge? I have the former but can’t stop thinking about the latter.

I am still in the process of learning the Deluge and use a lot of Deluges Engines. I have not used my Digitakt since I got the Deluge, because I try to do as much as possible in Deluge itself. I use the Digitone as Multitimbral FM Synth with it. And with that, I try Deluge first and go to the Digitone, when I need something I know I get done in the device. With that, its all MIDI sent to Digitone and I skip tons of features I would have used on the Digitone before.
The Digitone/Digitakt-Combo is very very cool! Synced to each other it is a blast having them standalone. All I miss from it, is the easy to use programming of patterns. I prefer the way, the Deluge Sequencer works. I prefer to work with the Song-Mode over manual Patter-Chaining on Digitone/Digitakt. I am very bad in performing. Mainly, because I am not used to it. I get frustrated very fast, when I try to record a song and fail in a transition or when I don’t get all the knobs and buttons handled correctly. It frustrates me way more, than recording the same track on Guitar/Bass or Drums again back in the days, mainly because it shows my lack of skill instead of lack in taste.
Programming every single thing in the Songmode on the Deluge is way more fun for me.
What I am missing with the Deluge/Digitone combo is the ability to load a sound into a track from my Deluge. For all other Synths, I can send Band, Subbank and PRG Infos via Midi and have the correct sound playing on that synth. I am not able to get it working on the Digitone. Thats sad, because I have to maintain a Song on that machine too. And thats way more fiddeling around than on the Deluge.

But I wont sell the Digitakt right now. But there might be situations, where an explicit machine is better suited, or I just want so see something different again, and do some stuff on the Digi-Combo.


I’m also considering getting a Deluge again…I had one for a while but ended up selling it right before song mode came out (and I know it has even more features now). I sold it because it found myself drawn to the Digi combo because I was used to it. I think if I spent the time with the Deluge I may like it better. Do you know if the Deluge is able to save midi settings now? What I mean is, if I start a new track to I have to use midi-learn every time to set up all my other synths, or can I just recall it from a saved setting?

Doesn’t save them

I assume it saves them within a “song” though? Like once you save the file?

Yes, everything you do is saved in your song file. Configuration, Mappings, New sounds, Sample assignments.

It’s like DT and DN forgetting about who sends and who received Sync and Pattern Changes when creating something new, but saves it in your Project.


who’s got the best Non-Esoteric Deluge Tutorials, easy to follow, non zany, no distractions, even keeled and paced lol… ?

looking for the kind of tutorials that are not meant to entertain but to tutor…

If you’re looking for one long detailed video loopop has made one for the 3.0 update. He also timestamps his videos very well.

And to the others who might ask:
In the end I decided on a Deluge and I’m very happy for doing so!

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yes, like loopop’s tut… more tutorials in this vein is the kind of thing I’m looking for

Ron’s got a video for just about anything to do with the Deluge

Warning before watching Loopop:

Guard your wallet! After every video I watch of his I suddenly need whatever synths he’s reviewing.


Hi I am interested to know - did you consider the Analog Rytm when deciding on buying the deluge - knowing that it has song mode?
I must admit the deluge is extremely interesting to me. But I would have to sell either the A4mk2, the DN or the summit… i have no extra funds.