Syntakt or Not Syntakt

At least you have a filter with overdrive…

I had AH and I’d want a BOUM.

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That a big part of why I’m into it!

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I have been using a model: cycles since around it’s launch and I think that those synth engines and the ones on the syntakt are actually deceptive in their depth. They do a good job of appearing simple and easy to understand right off the bat, and I think partially because of that they can very easily be used in such a way that keeps them in a specific sound palette, that video gamey type sound (which is a blessing and a curse). But I think they start to show their depth when you start playing at the edges of the “intended” use of the machines. Things like turning the ratio and pitch of the tone machine way up and exploring the aliasing that happens. Or using audio rate lfos on synth parameters. I think the fact that every new pattern defaults to the same sounds makes it seem more restricted than it actually is.


I agree with this. In fact, I find the default sounds of a new projekt to be extremely uninspiring. If I were Elektron, I’d make a bunch of templates and ask the user to pick a kit when starting a new project. I know you can create your own projects/templates but if I were Elektron, I’d explore ways to make this feel more versatile while still accessible to new users. You have to really work every sound to turn it into something useful.


The Octatrack is basically unusable for anything in its initialised state. The Rytm’s default sounds are famously dull and flat. The A4’s initial tone upsets most people. I’ve come to think Elektron intentionally make their defaults useless, so that you have to make it your own.


It’s ready to record inputs. :content:

But yes, making something interesting with it from scratch takes more than 5 minutes (it was a challenge).

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I spontaneously decided to Syntakt, if that’s of any help :smiley:

With the price being lower right now, I guess it’s possible to sell it again later without a big loss…if necessary.

In the meantime hoping for a sampling machine to come. Otherwise an OT mk1 is on the list.

You sell your Octatrack from your tutorials etc

Yes…I stupidly sold it.
I’d really like the mk2 back, but the price shot up too much here in JP.

So I am waiting for a good mk1 offer.

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Yes - learnt that lesson haha

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Seems to be the common thing with the OT.

Back to the Syntakt though…I never thought I’d buy it until a few hours ago.
One popped up on mercari, looked through the threads here, checked if it had MIDI channels…got tempted by promises of nice updates, thought, wow it actually sounds really nice and probably will fit well in my setup…and BANG, bankruptcy!

That’s how it goes, don’t do drugs kids.

how’s it been for you?


That’s what I prefer. Just a “beep” that says nothing, ready to make a great sound from scratch and be guided by my own taste, and not that of someone else.


I agree. I barely care what the defaults are. I think the “useless defaults” help avoid pigeon-holing the instruments, too.

An aside, not about the Syntakt

The only one I feel it’s worth actively discussing is the OT because I think the “useless defaults” contribute to the impression the machine is hard to learn/use. You have to go through a few pages of config to make it fit your current use case. Some of the config is spread across several sub pages, some of it is described in separate parts of the manual, and little of it does immediate sound design so the learning-feedback cycle is slow.

Getting better ?

I wish it had separate track buttons to push like the other Elektron boxes have. But I get the smaller size limited that option on the Syntakt. Too many button combos already on most Elektron boxes. I like the simplicity of the Analog Heat.

I will layer it, and see what i get.

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I’ve had mine for a few months now and I’ve got to force myself to use it every single time - and am deliberately doing so because I want me to like and use it. I am still trying to convince myself of its capabilities however but I can’t help the feeling it just isn’t an instrument that is sonically appealing to me… yet?!

Of course, discussing its sonic capabilities and whether one likes it or not is a very subjective thing obviously and to be honest, I wasn’t really convinced of the ST when and even before I bought it.

Yet, I still bought it because of its potential, because of its brilliant sequencer that I’ve been loving on my DT, and for knowing Elektron for their sweet firmware updates. Also, to be fair I’ve bought the ST when it was on sale for €800 but wouldn’t have bought it for the current price of ~€999 (and more) because of its current sonic limitations and because of the other gear demanding my spare time.

Yet, I’ll still keep the ST for a while because I am quite sure Elektron will be adding new features that allow for more in-depth sound design, hopefully additional synth param pages for existing machines. What I’d really wish for in the first place tho was a sampling / resampling machine on the Syntakt, since this would make the ST a total game changer in terms of sound design (thinking of DT’s one-shot sampler machine and its resampling feature). If we’d be able to resample internal machines and run it through effects, LFOs and ENVs multiple times, then resample and resample and resample… that’d be heaven :smiley:
A sample machine / resampling would also allow for channel limitations to be worked around (thinking of chords etc…).

One thing that I really really dislike about the ST and which seems a huge design fail unless it’s due to hardware/performance limitations is the routing of analog FX: routing tracks through individual analog FX is currently impossible! So, for example, you cannot send a kick through the analog drive but not send it through the analog filter if there’s already another track, like a pad, that is routed through the analog filter at the same time. It’s basically either the entire analog FX chain that a track can be routed through or none. That… well, sorry to say so, just sucks. Knowing Elektron for their updates tho, I am still hoping for the best :slight_smile:


Mine has been mostly boxed since I got it. I do think it’s an awesome machine but its positives are why I’m not using it weirdly.

Where it shines imo is that it does so much, it has all the machines needed for drums, bass, pads, leads etc plus an excellent sequencer and fx track and performance ability. It really is an accomplished all in one mega machine.

I’ve been making sounds ITB and feeding my Octatrack that I then use as my my sequencer and performance tool which means syntakt has been boxed. I know I should add them as I’ve seen loads of videos with that combo and sounds great but I’m focussed on learning Octatrack.

If anything stays boxed I have a rule it goes so will be selling/trading mine but no clue what I want to replace it and that’s one of the main reasons I’ve held off replacing it

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Yeah thinking very similarly here. I feel way more flexible with the DT, I’d even say it makes the ST obsolete unless someone insisted on its very recognisable sound (which I personally see as a minus) :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: I’m not a friend of “does it all” instruments. It’s a good thing if it “does it all” on top, but there must be a solid foundation that I would like to buy it for in the first place.

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If I only had the syntakt I’d be really happy with it and wouldn’t be able to put it down easily making full tracks with one box. I think having digitone/takt and syntakt would have a lot of crossover

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